Message from @Fandom_Junkie
Discord ID: 727297658103922689
Larry is a sweetie too. We have guinea fowl and he sort of adopted them
My rooster Wendy always has guineas following him around
We said goodbye to 12 birds in our flock today. Gonna have about 120 pounds of chicken soon
Larry play dad, and our other turkey named Butterball plays mom
Aww, I love turkeys, they’re so curious
I love the sounds they make when they’re happy
I’ve got 21 turkeys, most of them will be thanks giving dinner for people but I’ll be keeping 7 or 8
We have two and one of them was going to become dinner
But we’re reconsidering it
Definitely keeping banjo lol
Especially after you name them
Gets super hard to let them go
Yeah, my sister has a problem, all 36 of her chickens, named xD
We called all of our broilers “Ronnie”
All of the@ xD
These are my ducks, they’re 7 weeks old and they are about 1.5x bigger than our 8 week old turkeys
@Jango Fett one of our hens is sitting on eggs due tomorrow actually
I’m way exited
Thanks, but she's not exactly a puppy anymore
She's seven
still a puppy
the'll act old and frail.. then see snow and run out like they were 2 again
whenever i see pictures of pups, all my memories of my pup come back and i just want to go back in time to be with him
but then they wouldnt be memories.. would they
obviously they wouldnt if i could go back in time
yeah.. time travel is illegal though soo. sorry
yea.. apparently too many people went back in time to kill hitler.. damn time travelers.. so it got banned..
was told to post this here by the mods ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
boop da snoot?
Totally would. XD
Gorrila bike