Message from @mathgrant
Discord ID: 750336605163749396
Roonty's sister Jane decided to show her sisterhood, and started having *her* kittens on my front steps. Three so far...
Found this cat today
Why is it wearing a battery pack?
Electric shocker probably
They do that to monitor their populations and behavior.
Plot twist: lion skin does nothing. Neither does rhino horns.
I would but they'd accuse me of Witchcraft or something and try to kill me.
Going to try to get a photo of at least four of the big 5 for you
Thats cool@Mnr. Buffel
> Plot twist: lion skin does nothing. Neither does rhino horns.
@Dr Badass PhD I think John Stossel did a video where private ownership of rhinos nearly saved the rhino population.
Kittenmageddon is over. Final 24 hour tally is eleven new kittens, ten survivors.
@Mnr. Buffel where do you work?
@[TDE] Smokie I am 17 but my dad owns a game ranch/ lodge near the kruger national park in South Africa
Oh badass
Tyler and i wana come visit
Maby we can make a plan
Probably have to be after the rona though....
Lol. Airplanes and all...
Yea about 90 percent of our business is foreigners and the borders are still closed
So cute :3
Ladies and gentlemen
We got him
Handsome lad. (Or lass.)