Message from @Smash Boy

Discord ID: 778483609329729576

2020-11-18 04:40:11 UTC  

look around you theres oodles and oodles of election fraud

2020-11-18 04:40:35 UTC  

> Avallone is based
@Joe Davey <:FakeNews:765741713888772107>

2020-11-18 04:40:41 UTC  

Oh my bad. What other rights are being taken away from gun owners though bc i honestly dont know

2020-11-18 04:40:56 UTC  

Want to keep Texas red? Stop importing immigrants constantly at a greater rate. Reduce it to 95 or 100 per a year or more.

2020-11-18 04:41:39 UTC  

Free speech is under attack, both from big tech and the neocons.

2020-11-18 04:42:02 UTC  

Ben Shapiro is able to debate a commie but won't debate Nick Fuentes. Lol.

2020-11-18 04:43:17 UTC  

Also, this is absolutely hilarious. Let me ask you this:
Japan is composed of 95% japanese. Should Japan accept millions of Arab immigrants and shift the population from 95 to 46% Japanese, and have their votes influence their elections?

2020-11-18 04:45:12 UTC  

Take my country, Puerto Rico. We are majorly boricuans, some are African descent and low percent are whites with lower being of other ethnicities. Should we accept a bunch of Jamaicans and Chinese into our island and shift the population from 85% Puerto Rican to 46%?

2020-11-18 04:46:10 UTC  

I dont see a huge problem with that other than logistically that wouldnt really happen because moving across a continent is pretty difficult. Im also not advocating for open borders but just some lenency for those running from war and crime

2020-11-18 04:49:02 UTC  

Typical neocon dodge.
No, it is not impossible to move from country to country. The only country that is a hassle to migrate to is the USA because of our immigration protocols. Every other country you only need a fancy passport and some ID and you are good to go. In Europe you can literally drive from France to Slovakia and not bat an eye by border patrol.
But that's besides the point. The point is, all countries have a people that define them culturally in unique ways and to import a bunch of other conflicting cultures that don't even share your values nor culture will inevitably be bad and collapse the nation. That's why USA is near collapse.

2020-11-18 04:49:09 UTC  

Because muh multiculturalism.

2020-11-18 04:50:30 UTC  

There is no such thing as a "superior race," but I would argue that there are superior cultures.

2020-11-18 04:52:01 UTC  

But i thought that the U.S was a country comprised of almost entirely imagrants and their desendents and what makes American culture is the culmination of cultures from all over the world. So why should we decide to stop now. Immigrants add a lot to the U.S

2020-11-18 04:52:44 UTC  

I'm not even bringing "race (whatever that is)" here. Many people that migrate to USA are from countries that, literally fucking suck ass. They have near to utter shit cultural values, like in Islamic cultures (especially those), but we import these nonetheless, we can't even logistically assimilate these people, most of them hate America, but we do it because we rather be afraid to be called xenophobe than be rational.

2020-11-18 04:53:07 UTC  

The main issue with multiculturalism is that it says no one culture is better than another.

2020-11-18 04:53:32 UTC  

No, USA is predominantly bi-racial, and it's a country of settlers not immigrants.

2020-11-18 04:53:37 UTC  

And demands that we accept them no matter what.

2020-11-18 04:53:54 UTC  

But lately, it's becoming multiracial and look how much cities have burnt.

2020-11-18 04:54:18 UTC  

Cultures can coexist its not like Islamic culture is taking America over they simply enjoy there culture alongside others

2020-11-18 04:54:25 UTC  

And tells tham that their beliefs (Even when they oppose our laws) are valid.

2020-11-18 04:55:55 UTC  

So I agree with Nick Fuentes here, as much as it took me weeks to accept it: America should be predominantly the same ethnicity as its founding fathers plus those descended from slaves. This isn't racist, this isn't xenophobic. It's a matter of cultural national identity that literally every country takes for granted, yet America is singled out because "freedom" and "cOnStItUtIoN".

2020-11-18 04:56:05 UTC  

Lol so the 13.5 million immigrants from europe in 1910 were all "settlers". Dude there was more immigration then there was now

2020-11-18 04:56:23 UTC  

No idiot, before 1910.

2020-11-18 04:56:34 UTC  

Stop playing smartass.

2020-11-18 04:56:46 UTC  

USA was founded by settlers in the 18th century.

2020-11-18 04:56:50 UTC  

Not 1910.

2020-11-18 04:57:08 UTC  

Yes but the peak of immigration was 1907

2020-11-18 04:57:23 UTC  

And yes, we should also limit immigrants from Western Europe, most of them are anti-2A anyways.

2020-11-18 04:57:32 UTC  

But becasue those immigrints were white they should get to stay right?

2020-11-18 04:58:25 UTC  

Dude, who cares. It's a problem now with all the massive influx of unassimilated immigrants that hate America. Time to cut it down indefinitely until we figure out how to assimilate these other ones and work from there.

2020-11-18 04:58:44 UTC  

You really don't get it, do you?

2020-11-18 04:59:00 UTC  

TF?? Why do u think that immigrants "hate America"

2020-11-18 04:59:07 UTC  

Funny how you twist this with the "white" card in your argument.

2020-11-18 04:59:37 UTC  

Omg, dude, the ones that recently came in, most of them hate America. They vote for an anti-American party.

2020-11-18 04:59:51 UTC  

They also riot and loot on the streets.

2020-11-18 05:00:02 UTC  

Alongside the cucked white-guilt leftists.

2020-11-18 05:00:10 UTC  

Nah. Just some have beliefs that oppose America's founding principles.

2020-11-18 05:00:25 UTC  

And those we embrace today.

2020-11-18 05:00:50 UTC  

I am firmly in favor of deporting these national traitors, denaturalize them, and send them back to where they came from. And yes, that includes the 'whites' that hate America too.

2020-11-18 05:01:06 UTC  

Send them to Brazil?

2020-11-18 05:01:25 UTC  

/ s