Message from @Smash Boy
Discord ID: 778485646306181131
USA was founded by settlers in the 18th century.
Not 1910.
Yes but the peak of immigration was 1907
And yes, we should also limit immigrants from Western Europe, most of them are anti-2A anyways.
But becasue those immigrints were white they should get to stay right?
Dude, who cares. It's a problem now with all the massive influx of unassimilated immigrants that hate America. Time to cut it down indefinitely until we figure out how to assimilate these other ones and work from there.
You really don't get it, do you?
TF?? Why do u think that immigrants "hate America"
Funny how you twist this with the "white" card in your argument.
Omg, dude, the ones that recently came in, most of them hate America. They vote for an anti-American party.
They also riot and loot on the streets.
Alongside the cucked white-guilt leftists.
Nah. Just some have beliefs that oppose America's founding principles.
And those we embrace today.
I am firmly in favor of deporting these national traitors, denaturalize them, and send them back to where they came from. And yes, that includes the 'whites' that hate America too.
Send them to Brazil?
/ s
To Venezuela, but I think people like Biden should be sent to Ukraine.
Biden and his family, that has 'good relations' with Ukraine? Sure, deport them there, see what they will do with them.
Well yes most of Americas founding principals only extended to white land owning males. People still hold the same belifes they just think that everyone should be given an equal chance. so if equality of opportunity is "anti-American' than i am anti- american
Boi are you so naive. These people you hold so dear don't "believe in equal opportunity". They came from quasi-socialist countries. They are for equality of *outcome*. They also are in support of anti-white rhetoric and corruption of American children. Yeah, that is very anti-American.
I'd say that the founding principles of individual liberties and the concept of God-given rights are the main reason people of all races have oppertunities here today.
Dude where are these people most immigrints I know are more patriotic than those born here
Where are these mega socalist immigrints you are talking about?
But you are so brainwashed by the media and some neocon rhetoric that you want to paint this as "bruh, they just wanna have equal opportunity" when that is not the case. These are not your classic first generation immigrants taht came to USA for a better job, then left. These people wanna stay in USA and wreak havoc and mock American heritage.
Everywhere in the streets on riots and BLM protests.
Are you referring to modern European immigrants?
Some third world country immigrants did the same. They came to USA, worked for a year or two and left to provide for their family with whatever job they can have to sustain their current income.
So people leave their lives behind and come to the U.S for the sole purpose of making the America a worse place? Not only does that make no sense but there is also no evidence to back that up
That sounds like the work ethic I'd actuallly want to see in an immigrant...
Well if you think human nature is all rainbows and common sense then yes, but there is such a thing as evil and people really do come to USA from shitty country, want to import their shitty culture in America, refuse to assimilate and wreak havoc, and to add insult to injury, they publish articles or posts about how American whites are evil and should be punched outright.
Ok, Literally nothing that supports that baseless claim. All evidence shows that immigrants work harder and add a lot to our culture
*Legal immigrants
I really have to go because I have to study soon for an exam; but if you want to know more, watch Nick Fuentes or even John Doyle, specifically his video on "How we let America die" and you'll see why America First policies will triumph over "multiculturalist sensitivities".
Same. Been nice talking.
Yeah good talk
People that go on these riots and anti-Trump protest, many of them are legal immigrants that came to USA and hate America. Some legal immigrants are pro-American, but many of these illegals sought amnesty and managed to get naturalized and they still vote Democrat. You are a moron and blind if you think this reality is not obvious.
But again, I need to leave. Watch the videos I told you and you'll get a better picture.
How are y'all replying to each other's messages like that? I can't find that feature in Discord. Is it new?