Message from @little hollow

Discord ID: 779426867400802324

2020-11-20 19:12:51 UTC  

That was my point

2020-11-20 19:12:52 UTC  

Just like gay marriage, I don't think it is right or moral, but I think if you and another consenting adult make that decision, then you should have that right, but your right to do that shouldn't infringe on my right to not think it is okay

2020-11-20 19:12:54 UTC  

But why should they act like that? How is forcing people into roles like that productive? What harm would i be causing if i were to act more feminine or wear makeup?

2020-11-20 19:13:24 UTC  

I think we've mistaken what is masculine and what is feminine tbh

2020-11-20 19:14:03 UTC  

Liking sports and enjoying barbeque aren't masculine traits, just as baking or doing arts and crafts aren't feminine traits

2020-11-20 19:14:20 UTC  

Well technically the way you dress is an action of you acting in a feminine or masculine way, that was my whole point lol

2020-11-20 19:14:21 UTC  

ah screwed that up let me fix that

2020-11-20 19:14:52 UTC  

Do you mean the sports thing? lol

2020-11-20 19:15:33 UTC  

We tend to put too much stock into what has been socially taught to us to be masculine and feminine

2020-11-20 19:16:07 UTC  

But the funny thing is it's not the culture anymore, so how are we masculine when it doesn't mean anything or have an objective meaning anymore?

2020-11-20 19:16:07 UTC  

Should we hold onto outdated beliefs purely because we have held the same beliefs for a long time? Also you said gay marriage was not moral. Im not trying to question your belifies i just want to know why you think that its not right.

2020-11-20 19:17:34 UTC  

Because anything that is different from the way that God intended is wrong, just like Adam and Eve eating the apple, it seems innocent, but it's a basic want for personal pleasure for the heart instead of following the way God commanded is to.

2020-11-20 19:18:57 UTC  

The Bible is very explicit in explaining what marriage is and what it represents and the certain roles that a wife and husband are to have over their children and each other in their marriage. Which cannot be fulfilled by a man and a man, or a woman and a woman

2020-11-20 19:20:17 UTC  

But according to our culture nowadays, men and women are the same so it doesn't really matter because who you love is who you love and that should be accepted. Right?

2020-11-20 19:21:46 UTC  

I actually agree with that

2020-11-20 19:23:05 UTC  

But like I said, I think they should have the right to do whatever the hell they want because this is America

2020-11-20 19:23:20 UTC  

As long as it doesn't infringe on my rights to be critical of them for doing it

2020-11-20 19:23:27 UTC  

Again morally there is no reason to adhere to old gender roles aside from what people literal thousands of years thought was "normal"

2020-11-20 19:23:38 UTC  

and I'm allowed to say that because I'm what the LGBTQ community loves to call someone with internalized homophobia

2020-11-20 19:23:53 UTC  

~~It's fun being me~~

2020-11-20 19:24:06 UTC  

I'm not afraid of the gays, so that term doesn't really apply to me lol

2020-11-20 19:24:10 UTC  


2020-11-20 19:25:54 UTC  

Morally because it's not what God intended, as I said before, God is objectively the same in everything, never changing, so therefor his morality doesn't as well. If you don't believe this, I don't think you believe in the God of the Bible, just one that seems nice to you because he changes as we do. Morally evolving in the way we do.

2020-11-20 19:27:28 UTC  

dang now I'm having an internal struggle about what Biblical masculinity and femininity

2020-11-20 19:28:27 UTC  

Sounds really nice, but sadly we can't just be whatever evil thing we want to be because of our selfish sexual desires in our impure hearts.

2020-11-20 19:32:24 UTC  


2020-11-20 19:32:27 UTC  


2020-11-20 19:39:28 UTC  

This, 100%. Again, I can say this, as I've gotten so close to the edge without ever going fully off. I'm twenty years old and am incredibly grateful I didn't go down the path I could have. That will probably sound incredibly cringe inducing when I'm older, so hi future me somehow remembering this, but I had a friend go that route and he's a mess while I am also a mess but am much less of a mess

2020-11-20 19:39:56 UTC  

Which is probably a chat for the faith chat but yeah, agreed.

2020-11-20 19:43:36 UTC  

Totally. I've gone down some places too that I would never want to get to the light of the day, but in the end, God intended for our world to be a certain way and we screwed it up. And we continue to, that's why I hate the argument that Joe has made, because he's essentially saying that we are moral no matter what year it is as long as we and our morality evolves with the culture.

2020-11-20 19:46:22 UTC  

And we know as Christians that humans have never gotten progressively better by letting more and more things under the guise of morality by letting it "evolve" into our cultures. This kind of thinking is what will inevitably lead to the anti-christ and the sheep that will follow him.

2020-11-20 22:46:34 UTC  
2020-11-20 22:48:04 UTC  

An emmy?

2020-11-20 22:48:24 UTC  

He knows how worthless that is just like everyone else knows it.

2020-11-20 22:50:32 UTC  

It was the question he spent the longest talking about during his press conference bragging about it

2020-11-20 22:57:03 UTC  

If I got one, I’d blowtorch it live and forge a dagger out of it.

2020-11-20 23:45:22 UTC  

Yeah, he supported the harassment of Jews

2020-11-20 23:45:27 UTC  


2020-11-20 23:45:36 UTC  

(Not directed at you guys lol)

2020-11-21 02:58:13 UTC  

scary stuff