Message from @LiveFreeOrPi

Discord ID: 768845449757982800

2020-10-22 14:31:42 UTC  


2020-10-22 14:32:01 UTC  

just following up on your exploration of libertarianism and where it falls on the political spectrum

2020-10-22 14:32:01 UTC  


2020-10-22 14:32:09 UTC  


2020-10-22 14:32:15 UTC  

the political landscape is not a linear scale

2020-10-22 14:32:18 UTC  

it is 2 dimensional

2020-10-22 14:32:21 UTC  

Have y’all tooken the political compass quiz?

2020-10-22 14:32:25 UTC  


2020-10-22 14:32:31 UTC  

Ya mean 3 dimensional

2020-10-22 14:32:41 UTC  

the up down axis is basically 0% government at the top and 100% government at the bottom

2020-10-22 14:32:44 UTC  

Supposedly tells you where you are in your political views

2020-10-22 14:32:44 UTC  

We have a <#727616207619883128> chat

2020-10-22 14:32:57 UTC  

the left right axis is arbitrary and depends on what population, where, when

2020-10-22 14:33:08 UTC  


2020-10-22 14:33:16 UTC  

I have to go

2020-10-22 14:33:23 UTC  

Ty for the chart

2020-10-22 14:33:29 UTC  

example, Kennedy democrats would have been in favor of several things that Trump republicans are in favor of, so it's the same nation, different time period

2020-10-22 14:34:33 UTC  

if you have 100% liberty and 0% government, then you can't move left or right of center because that would require using some sort of government to enforce that preference

2020-10-22 14:35:07 UTC  

if you have 100% government and 0% liberty (communism, aka statism) then there are no preferences, only what you're allowed to do/have/say/wear/eat/etc

2020-10-22 14:35:36 UTC  

look up The Nolan Chart on google for tests/more info

2020-10-22 14:37:19 UTC  

also, I do not give leftists the term "liberal" anymore, as their bent is not predominantly towards liberty as a classical liberal (e.g. Thomas Jefferson) was

2020-10-22 14:38:23 UTC  

I would suggest that, unlike the chart I posted above, the shape has shifted into more of a rectangle than a square, with the right being higher and closer to libertarians, while the left has shifted down and is closer to statists. This makes sense, as generally the right is in favor of less government and the left is in favor of more government

2020-10-22 14:39:00 UTC  

this is why you see things like the liberty movement and the tea party within the right side of the aisle, whereas you see socialists like AOC and Bernie on the left

2020-10-22 14:43:52 UTC  

@LiveFreeOrPi the conservatives of today are the liberals of yesterday.

2020-10-22 14:51:22 UTC  

I think the chart has shifted to this now:

2020-10-22 14:51:33 UTC

2020-10-22 14:51:49 UTC  

political compasses are generally shitty

2020-10-22 14:52:46 UTC  

the Nolan Chart does completely break people free from the false "left right" paradigm that they are led to believe is the political spectrum

2020-10-22 14:53:00 UTC  

it's useful in some ways

2020-10-22 14:53:13 UTC  

the "left vs right" is in reference to economics

2020-10-22 14:53:14 UTC  

as I said, I think the square diagram isn't exactly right

2020-10-22 14:53:17 UTC  

capitalism vs socialism

2020-10-22 14:53:33 UTC  

no, that's what the up down axis represents

2020-10-22 14:53:44 UTC  

the top is capitalism the bottom is communism

2020-10-22 14:54:00 UTC  


2020-10-22 14:54:02 UTC  

free market economics is central control...that's libertarian society

2020-10-22 14:54:11 UTC  

left vs right is economics

2020-10-22 14:54:15 UTC  

no it's not

2020-10-22 14:54:21 UTC  

yes it is

2020-10-22 14:54:23 UTC  

it literally is

2020-10-22 14:54:50 UTC  

communism is at the bottom of the chart I posted, and libertarianism is at the top of the chart I posted