Message from @Toilet Hugger
Discord ID: 771155341760528385
Oh my
oh my indeed
Well they're free to move out of the US
I'm counting down the days until the election just to get ready for the lefty meltdown in my other servers
same 👍
never have i ever wanted to see my own friends cry
Maybe it's wishful thinking to hope they might be red pilled but in the meantime their perception of the world ending is funny
I cannot wait till Tues night. Happy birthday to me, all lib tears make great presents
Looks like biden couldn’t take the hate 😂
My body is ready
Some of the folks in the background don't look all that white
yeah I was getting emails with that subreddit, I muted that subreddit cause it was always super biased
Trump is so racist he based his VP choice on race
Oh wait that was Biden
And this is why reddit is the cespool of the internet
And Tumblr
and of course the grammar weeb
and Devient Art
(salt mine)
> I think I found a goldmine
@Toilet Hugger Ah yes... that's why many people of color and women are voting Trump too...
^That's just trying to get on the news as a victim of "police brutality"
Wow I rarely encountered so much hatred and salt in my life before, like in that comment section
Such tolerance
a) Such tolerance, much inclusiveness
b) Fricken lightspeed keyboard warriors with how fast they seem to be typing these essays
you know who else marked people by their political allegiences? Nazi germany and Stalinist Russia(and probably modern russia too)
The Bear Jew and Aldo Raines
They have so many preconceived biases that they ignore the positives trump has done