Message from @Elon Musk

Discord ID: 773343415474585631

2020-11-03 22:58:58 UTC  

anyone want to give me some anti-abortion arguements? people in my grade are being unreasonable.

2020-11-03 22:59:35 UTC  

ill respond later if u do i have to go for a while

2020-11-03 23:03:19 UTC  

it doesn't matter if the baby has a heartbeat or not, you're still preventing a human baby from growing and being born

2020-11-03 23:07:08 UTC  

1. Literally killing a living being
1. a. There is scientific evidence life starts at conception
1. b. (If they say it's just a clump of cells) The definition of a cell is the *building block of life,* so it is still life
2. Most women who get abortions tend to regret it a few months or years down the road
3. Giving the child up for adoption is always an option
4. It is refusing to accept responsibility for your actions

2020-11-03 23:24:03 UTC  

To amend 1B, if we find single celled organisms on other planets, we will consider it "life". Abortion isn't a scientific argument, it is purely moral

2020-11-03 23:32:38 UTC  

I keep hearing basic human rights from the left

2020-11-03 23:32:54 UTC  

Idk what kind of rights trump has stripped

2020-11-03 23:43:20 UTC  

None, to my knowledge.

2020-11-04 00:08:18 UTC

2020-11-04 00:12:39 UTC  

imagine being this loser

2020-11-04 00:12:57 UTC  

Honestly she's doing him a favor 😂

2020-11-04 00:20:01 UTC  

People are so stupid to let politics destroy their relationships/family

2020-11-04 00:20:15 UTC  

They should reconsider what really matters

2020-11-04 00:21:39 UTC  

Sad what politics have become

2020-11-04 00:21:46 UTC  

it now ruins other people's life as well

2020-11-04 00:27:21 UTC  

If the reverse happened we wouldn't hear the end of how the guy is fascist

2020-11-04 00:27:58 UTC

2020-11-04 00:28:30 UTC

2020-11-04 00:28:56 UTC

2020-11-04 00:29:08 UTC  

wtf i just came back from getting dinner and i see this

2020-11-04 00:30:38 UTC  

oh boy idiot lefties speak no common sense

2020-11-04 00:31:04 UTC  


2020-11-04 00:31:52 UTC  

after all

2020-11-04 00:32:03 UTC  

the "c" in lefties stand for common sense

2020-11-04 00:33:25 UTC

2020-11-04 00:34:57 UTC

2020-11-04 00:35:24 UTC  


2020-11-04 00:36:22 UTC  

i'd say the exact same thing

2020-11-04 00:43:14 UTC

2020-11-04 00:45:44 UTC  

Don't underestimate Gen z please

2020-11-04 00:46:40 UTC  

I'm a zoomer and voted trump, twice

2020-11-04 00:48:58 UTC  


2020-11-04 00:51:58 UTC  

Those people are insane

2020-11-04 00:52:22 UTC  

Vietnamese people vote for Trump cause they've lived under what Biden and the left wants

2020-11-04 01:13:21 UTC  

The fact that people put politics over their own love for their friends and family is something that I detest.

2020-11-04 01:14:01 UTC  

We millennials also need to show that our entire generation isn't made up of just snowflakes.

2020-11-04 01:17:26 UTC

2020-11-04 01:17:49 UTC

2020-11-04 01:18:05 UTC  

what the hell why would she do that

2020-11-04 01:18:13 UTC  

why would she kick a trump sign down

2020-11-04 01:20:09 UTC  

None of us are kicking down Biden signs, we're civil