Message from @LuckyPuffy
Discord ID: 779421887108874291
of course its a communist discord server
what would you expect
Which server is that?
I just had a group of blm girls give a bunch of my bracelet patterns on a bracelet making site 1 star because I am not a blm- that stings-
Guess that BLM matters more than just having a bracelet
You have to agree with the vocal minority if you want to remain in business unfortunately
apparently. I called them out in the live chat but of course they wont respond. And my patterns had nothing to do with politics- oy 🙄
I see how bad it is for a group of individuals to come and only criticize you because you don't support their movement. Whoever thought of the statement "the customer is always right" was very evil and knew what they were doing.
And the fact your patterns weren't even political makes the issue even worse.
oh but one was a christian band logo... and they tell us to be tolerant? Oh well-
Tolerance makes a person weak in the individual sense.
Tolerance may make you look better to others, but that's because others can profit off of your tolerance. You could theoretically do all kinds of abuses and other twisted stuff on said person, but "they'll tolerate it, right?"
Open-minded persons are good, but when is it too much?
I am not mad- a buncha kinda people came behind them and rated them to get them back up because there are SOME good teens out there, but mannnnn.
This is just that... Groups like these seem dangerous to our society. They're not tolerant of others that disagree with them, which is the whole point of tolerance.
from the zed himself
So tolerant! Look at that! Such a good example of what tolerance and diversity means to them!
i know!!1!!!
They're so empowering
if anyone thinks that she isnt tolerant, then you're a racist fascist homophobic transphobic
yOu hAvE a tRuMp sTiCkEr!?!11??1, tHaTs lIkE sAyInG tHe n wOrD yOu rAcIsT
How much tolerant can you get than that??????????!!!!!!!????!?!
Look at their empowerment and tolerance they are so tolerant!!!1111!!!
Look at the comment section 😂
* comedian
There I fixed your sentence
Gotta agree with butcher on this
I've lost enough brain cells hearing snippets of The Young Turds
<@516125915844050944> cringe
"keep coping normie" thats what made me cringe
ive only heard lefties say cope