Message from @Payton [ReZero Enjoyer]
Discord ID: 779388192872726548
as well
Just because we had a black president or you have black friends doesn’t mean you aren’t racist!
oh my, I'd better go cry about how inferior I am and beg forgiveness of a thug for my color and sexuality. Like what-? 🤔
thats just
black straight woman? shut up then. you are oppressing the black lesbian non-binary transgender man at the back
it took me so long to sort out the "oppressed" hierarchy ngl 😂 but the longer you can string together a bunch of nouns the more you're oppressed
true... especially the ones who want only a black president though- not saying anything is wrong with a "black" president in general. I think Martin Luther King would've made a wonderful one- only that singling one group of people for the skin color IS racist
i think it's kind of a shame that Obama was the first black president considering he enabled slavery in Libya
also, lmao, i hate the logic if "you've a black friends/black president doesn't mean you aren't racist". like. racism don't work like that lmao -- racists don't put the race they hate as the person equal or above them lmao
the only thing Orwell got wrong was the date
^^^ yuppppppppp
"We were fighting the wrong enemy"
-MacArthur (I think)
did anyone else hear about the lgbtq community forcing chik-fil-a to stop donating to christian organizations and start giving money to lgbtq organizations and planned parenthood? and so chik-fil-a is totally just going along with it. and now they are giving money to blm organizations- how cowardly can they get. Lemme just say I don't eat there no more. not just cause they aren't christian, I am not that shallow, but because they have totally gone against what they said they stood for. they stopped giving money to feed starving people and starting giving money to people who start riots and loot and burn and kill.
I am sorry but I think that that is just gross-
Shits been going on for awhile now
yeah it has I was just wondering if anyone else knew about it
Are there any companies rn that actually stand up to the blackmail though?
yeah me and mine are boycotting them- personal decision. they are very hypocritical. doing all that and still closed on Sunday....
um probbbbably not
they are all greedy cowards
What is this chat for
"for texts, videos, and stories of leftist meltdowns and craziness" 😄
The thing about the Joe Biden server is that I can say the most radical and idiotic crap and Juve has to accept it because he's radical too
🤢 Kamala as president
safespace against the cruel world. we will protect you here
of course its a communist discord server
what would you expect
Which server is that?