Message from @TheTransWithClaws{SuperCatsYT}
Discord ID: 781979433652846634
Perhaps because they know that it will rub off on them, so they shed counter influence to "stay pure"
I screenshoted the conversation, it upsets me but makes me laugh because I "support" violence.
bout as pure as a baby rat with rabies
Yeah of course we are the ones rioting in the streets
They also need to stop saying "I can't breathe" fucking mocking Floyd.
because when you don't get you way, burn down everything in sight, throwing a tantrum like toddlers
I was reported for saying that to blm baby
Fact - the world is a better place without career criminal George Floyd in it
I hate to admit it but yes, it is true
Lefties are big adult babies
they at throw tantrums like babies
I swear, lefties aren't the greatest
do we throw temper tantrums like spoiled brats?
Yes (sarcasm)
It’s always better with one less person who attacks and steals from pregnant women and tries to put fake money into circulation
Looks like he held his drugs in his mouth one too many times
happy thanksgiving, i guess
Look's like a guy with his two exes
@Soulman wonder if they realize the only reason they are here is because of them
rioters probably dont realize how much in cash they are destroying things
they'd probably think the money was theirs if shown
They don’t know what the value of hard work is, considering they don’t work
*"I struggle to make ends meet with my McDonalds employment!"*
15 an hour is more than some blue collar and construction jobs
It’s absurd
*"I'm being used as slave labor!"*
My brother does construction on huge commercial buildings for 13ish an hour but is working his way up like you should have to
Always preferable to have two employed for $7/hour than one for $14/hour
It's how urban youth projects need to function too
I remember a black guy who ran a self owned business being screwed by $14/hour city minimum wage requirement
He tries to get as many black youth employed, off the street hopefully for good by giving them a job
The mill starts people at $13
the minimum wage was designed to have jobs FOR THE WHITE PEOPLE
‘No won’
Why is the term “black power” not considered racist but “white power” is