Message from @Soulman

Discord ID: 744412647952351347

2020-08-15 18:41:37 UTC  

There are good doctors and there are bad doctors @Son of Nerds despite being intelligent people, they can still let their feelings and political opinions get in the way of their job

2020-08-15 18:41:50 UTC  

You just have to find the ones you can trust

2020-08-15 18:43:23 UTC  

I do know that. My aunt is a nurse and even she says this whole mask thing is bs

2020-08-15 18:47:43 UTC  

That’s good

2020-08-15 22:56:38 UTC  

Same for me, I have a friend who is a frontline worker, she was confused as well, the only reason we could come up with for the bylaws in my country are that it sends this bullshit "do your part" message

2020-08-16 00:41:26 UTC  

Yes, I think the whole "Do your part" thing is really pulling a lot of people in

2020-08-16 00:42:11 UTC  

Yeeeeeep... My whole family except me is falling for it...

2020-08-16 00:43:22 UTC  

I got myself a face shield and it’s completely useless but at least it’s not a mask and no one yells at me.

2020-08-16 01:43:49 UTC  

Yeah the only time I wear a mask is when I need to go into places like stores and such that won't let you in without one

2020-08-16 01:58:21 UTC  

they wanna arest people not wearing a mask while out by themselves on a beach

2020-08-16 02:10:55 UTC  

that is just a bunch of bs

2020-08-16 02:11:11 UTC  

I went to Florida recently, only like 1 person was wearing a beach the entire time I was there

2020-08-16 02:11:43 UTC  

You wanna end up like that guy who got a sunburn with his mask on?

2020-08-16 02:47:00 UTC  

It actually states in the bylaws (in Canada, where I live) that it is completely illegal and punishable by a court case to ask someone to provide proof of being exempt from wearing a mask, which means LITERALLY ANYONE can just say "I have an exemption/medical exemption" and you're good to go

2020-08-16 03:05:25 UTC  


2020-08-16 03:19:53 UTC  

the walmart out here in cali has loud speakers

2020-08-16 03:20:22 UTC  

and it consantly says do your part

2020-08-16 03:20:39 UTC  

stay 6 feet apart and remember to wear a mask

2020-08-16 03:32:39 UTC  

"Unless you're a BLM supporter/protester"

2020-08-16 03:50:03 UTC  

> It actually states in the bylaws (in Canada, where I live) that it is completely illegal and punishable by a court case to ask someone to provide proof of being exempt from wearing a mask, which means LITERALLY ANYONE can just say "I have an exemption/medical exemption" and you're good to go
@Lord Vader I can confirm; I live in Canada.

2020-08-16 15:45:57 UTC  

love it, @jj75... just not here

2020-08-16 15:52:20 UTC  

no bare boobs rule

2020-08-16 17:01:57 UTC  

It's weird since I worked at a Walmart near me and I always had to wear a mask while working. When I got off of work I then took off my mask and no one said anything to me.

2020-08-16 17:04:04 UTC  

Apparently the Rona can spread through the interwebs during a Zoom call.

2020-08-16 21:24:52 UTC  

Wtf, during video calls when you're not in the same room?!

2020-08-16 21:27:23 UTC  

And this woman in New Zealand exposed something DISGUSTING, it's the same as in Melbourne. Luckily in Canada this idea was rejected by our Chief Of Defence Staff

2020-08-17 00:55:42 UTC  

Time to start standing against the tyranny wearing a soft glove.

2020-08-17 01:52:22 UTC  

So they are forcing people into detention camps and separating their families? Wait, why do these things sound familiar?

2020-08-17 14:09:01 UTC

2020-08-17 16:32:55 UTC  

OSU's first day of classes was today

2020-08-17 18:55:36 UTC  

@notJustin43 Interesting, several health officials across the world have confirmed that deaths are basically intentionally exaggerated, and the CDC director even admitted that hospitals falsely labeling deaths/cases for money is an actual issue🤔

2020-08-17 19:23:38 UTC  

i was saying the same thing in my video, even the Irish doctor lady on Computing Forever was making the same points; this entire 2nd wave is bullcrap

2020-08-17 19:24:39 UTC  

there's so much fraud going on all over the US it's mind boggling, and now they're having full attendance concerts in Wuhan, China, no masks, no social distancing, completely packed like sardines, and they've been using the HCQ treatment against this virus since February or before...

2020-08-17 19:34:18 UTC  

Yes, there is SO much fraud happening there it is as crazy as the BLM riots

2020-08-17 20:26:50 UTC  

Wait... if we know COVID-19 is not lethal, and 40% of U.S. COVID-19 deaths were of the elderly in nursing homes........

2020-08-17 20:28:32 UTC  

How do we know they weren't actually murdered?

2020-08-17 20:31:11 UTC  

Let's not forget, people voluntarily got on the trains in old Germany.