Message from @MofoDoggo

Discord ID: 795526826558357535

2021-01-03 21:40:44 UTC  

everybody is stuck in their homes how is it spreading so much, when will people wake up

2021-01-03 21:59:02 UTC

2021-01-03 22:19:33 UTC  

Haven’t hospitals been “pushed to the brink” for all of the 2010s?

2021-01-03 22:54:32 UTC  

The funniest part of that video is that they get noticed recording them

2021-01-03 23:06:40 UTC  

Don’t cha’ know? It’s the crazy, red neck, conspiracy theorist, hillbilly, uneducated, antimasker, conservative!!! They’re the reason covid still exists!!!!

2021-01-03 23:08:36 UTC  

i like how we're called "antimaskers" also, like a lot of people legitimately have medical reasons to not wear one and lefties lose their fricken minds when they see someone not wearing one without ever wondering if there's a reason.

2021-01-03 23:48:08 UTC  

do you have a source for this by chance? i am looking everywhere for this. i cant find it on the CDC website to show in conversation.

2021-01-03 23:54:21 UTC  

thats bc bullying (social) laws dont apply to the left and their virtue signaling.

2021-01-04 00:10:17 UTC  

I have a loop hole that I use, I can’t stand not breathing so I just have a plastic shell from a mask and put a mesh fabric inside so it’s hard to see the mesh, so from a far, it looks like I have a pink filter inside of a white mask. It also has vents that I took the filter out of (so they’re just holes with caps)

2021-01-04 01:13:16 UTC  

Uhhhh...I really REALLY don't like this picture.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

2021-01-04 01:26:32 UTC  

that's pretty creative nice. i just risk being berated despite my state's mandate having a medical exemption

2021-01-04 02:21:19 UTC  

Mine does too, and i would have a reason because of my autism and breathing problems, but I grocery shop for others to make money so I’m at hundreds of different stores daily, and it’d be a nightmare explaining and dealing with all the people from all the stores every day, even though the mask mandate in my state (MA) says you do not need to show them any documentation for the reason you don’t wear the mask
But my state also has a mandate to wear them outdoors even when you’re no where near anyone (6+ feet) and I NEVER follow that
So I do stand up in some ways

2021-01-04 02:22:12 UTC  

I rip the thing off, even though I can breathe better with my altered one, right when I leave school or the store

2021-01-04 05:36:21 UTC  
2021-01-04 05:37:42 UTC  

“This child-abuse is justified as she is disciplining her children for not wearing a mask” - Some liberal probs

2021-01-04 05:37:57 UTC  

Oh yeah I’ve literally seen that

2021-01-04 05:38:20 UTC  

Got posted in another discord I’m in someone responded with “she’s the hero we deserve”

2021-01-04 05:38:29 UTC  

These people are mentally insane

2021-01-04 05:39:06 UTC  

These people have a legit mental illness called liberalism.

2021-01-04 05:39:35 UTC  

Or no, socialism more like it.

2021-01-04 05:40:45 UTC  

It’s really at the point where we’re justifying child abuse over mask wearing

2021-01-04 05:40:52 UTC  


2021-01-04 05:41:20 UTC  

Honestly I wish a nuke would just fall on us at this point.

2021-01-04 05:43:10 UTC  

They would probably hide under a desk because the government said so back in the 50s

2021-01-04 08:57:18 UTC  

They're now celebrating and praising physical child abuse?

2021-01-04 09:00:07 UTC  

well when it's from a democratic/liberal viewpoint then yes, but if its not..then they attack those involved

2021-01-04 09:54:14 UTC  

How much fucking longer for these mask mandates...

2021-01-04 09:59:04 UTC  

Wheres the closest place to the north east that I can move that’s a bit more normal

2021-01-04 12:18:42 UTC

2021-01-04 12:24:07 UTC  


2021-01-04 14:18:43 UTC  

Apparently it listed a place that doesn't exist

2021-01-04 14:22:24 UTC  

nope, they were at one point pushed, but not nearly to the brink of an issue. Proof of that abounds; temporary facilities in major cities hardest hit by the virus were never used or were never full; patients were never transferred into areas of less impact; retired personnel were never called into support facilities. NYC, the hardest hit of major cities, by the first of May had 9 temporary facilities erected by volunteers around the city (Samaritan's Purse, Salvation Army, Doctors without borders, etc) , totalling over 1,000 ICU beds and 1,500 non-ICU beds were never more than 30% filled, 5 were never used at all, all were dismantled by the end of July. The media only focused on a few localities that had an issue with bed space leading people to believe that shortage was widespread and constant, it was another lie.

2021-01-04 14:25:54 UTC  

@Bar And CBS used footage from Italy, they even continued doing this after admitting it.

2021-01-04 14:44:29 UTC  

Yep, they are still using old footage from other countries to fear monger.

2021-01-04 14:51:48 UTC  

And here in Ontario they're also fear mongering based on like one or two hospitals in the whole province, the capacity of ICU's total is in the range of 6000 and total hospital beds is about 30'000 which wasn't increased due to funding cuts of our suddenly beloved Premier

2021-01-04 17:59:22 UTC  

"but I thought free healthcare for all was the answer?" -some american liberal

2021-01-04 19:49:22 UTC  

well duh..the vaxx is the virus

2021-01-04 19:49:45 UTC  

i dont see that as a big issue, as vaccines are supposed to carry either dead or partially alive versions of the virus, so testing positive for the disease shouldnt be a surprise