Message from @The high priest of god-TOAD
Discord ID: 768985797612666880
i would like to tell yinz a conspriacy-theory
now look closely at the ball what do u see
the moon and the star
disney got us got us all
indeed they did
we need to stay on our toes
disney may strike any time
be prepared
There gonna bring Walt Disney back
Conspiracy theory Tyler has an Alt account and talks to us all the time
thats a good theroy
I bet disney is trying to conquer some land
they must have a big army
but why?
they can buy any movie producers in the world. eg lucasfilm, marvel, pixar
they need alot of money to to take the world and make it the Ottoman
Well they're Disney...
Just got back from dropping my first ever Republican ballot and thought, gonna see what the conspiracy guys are up to and gotta say, this was not what I was expecting.
Sometimes we joke around and it's pretty hilarious
So there's that
if life is an obby 2020 isnt the hardest level yet
We're in purgatory
It's weird and there's random things happening but halfway through it
Is purgatory the Catholic thing where you're not dead but also not alive
I'm not making fun of Catholics I'm sincerely curious
It's like a waiting room for god to figure out where to put you when heaven and hell are kinda full
A true catholic can explain it better
I think its more of an atonement thing.
I'm a Catholic, and if there's one thing the church is good at, its not teaching us all that well.
I went to catholic school and got baptized
Never went into a church till this year
Went to a church weekly, babtized, CCD classes, Confirmation classes, Confirmed, still don't know the specifics.
Yeah it's to prepare you for heaven
*purge* you of sins