The high priest of god-TOAD

Discord ID: 746016812688212088

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pence is the best

i heard

invite me to your next airsoft battle

i would rather have guns then gf

girl friend costs more then guns

the meme fit the convo

small pp me

sugar daddy as in the candy?

or are we talking gei

thats what I thought

or a nice car

thats offensive
to female dogs

the person who names the x box consoles are dumb


do i even ask

exactly, it so simple

but its not racism because we need peope who aren't white cause white people bad and less men cause men bad but sex doesn't exist and race doesn't matter and [system error]

i love trader joes

my latin teacher talks about how she hates meat and then talks about how she can't live without meat'

the irish would disagree

irish just eat potatos

i do bedroom workouts

gyms are too far away

don't get a women

what if it a club sandwhich?

buy that pillow i dare you

imagine listening rap, cringe

i wonder if they eat uighurs?

having no pp is also frowned apon with abortion

ussr had big PP

me too

I started in quarintine to watch him

@rick harrison i love your name

my political affiliation is Pro-life

i should try

they should have

ten it would be USSR+USA v.s China

usa beat ussr

china beat usa

russia beats china

it's like rock, paper, scizzors

bruh, there would be no fight

they would just give up right then

its the best pizza store ever

the video gives my life meaning

thats so true though

enter a chance to win a free trip to Epstein's island

id rather not

> he wasn't powerful enough for his son
@Atari thats dark

it went from dicks to pedo in 5 minutes

already failed

thats the joke

> Cant Wait for no lib december
@Failco can I get an amen

how can libs nut if they don't have balls

why does only fans exist?


thats easy

> Or go out and find a hoe
@Clemens my school produces hoes

im a middle schooler

im gonna need to die now

to much

will i get some of her ice cream?

see ya later boiz!

please wait 5 years so I can fight in the civil war

my grandpa was a marine during the 60's-70's

he was in japan

all i know is that he was given a sword

he doesn't like to talk about it

i wouldn't if I was him

Americans treated the solders like trash during the 70's

they invented mario

they would still be fighting each other

lot's of in-fighting

my dad tough English in china and japan before I was born

i should be a weeb

sounds fun

i could watch henti

anyone watch Hal's flying castle

i thinks it that

it's been a while since i watched it

but its good

i went through a kick where i only watched those movies

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