Message from @WalterC
Discord ID: 768962245044076556
Well.. definitely over the last few years of the big tech info shredder
The best place to hide something is in plain sight. Things that are hidden out in the open are the most difficult to see.
Forgot where I saw this haha
Actually... that's so true
We've all had moments where we couldn't find something that was right in front of us 😂
imma print out articles involving shit like say Biden's laptops, put in a briefcase, and submit the whole thing
Love the name man
@ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty What? Like a compilation?
i guess
i have to fix my printer first
conspiracy theory : anthony fauci made the coronavirus ._.
Nah, his friends in China made it
What if we live in the matrix, but the matrix made the movie the matrix to curb our suspicions so we label it as fiction?
Interesting hypothesis, science is already suggesting the universe is a simulation, potentially holographic in nature. Those behind the scenes might not want the truth to come out
Nah the matrix is the people who follow media, news, and the entertainment industry
That's the Twilight Zone
i would like to tell yinz a conspriacy-theory
the moon and the star
disney got us got us all
indeed they did
we need to stay on our toes
disney may strike any time
be prepared
There gonna bring Walt Disney back
Conspiracy theory Tyler has an Alt account and talks to us all the time
thats a good theroy
I bet disney is trying to conquer some land
they must have a big army
but why?
whats their motive?
they can buy any movie producers in the world. eg lucasfilm, marvel, pixar
they need alot of money to to take the world and make it the Ottoman