Message from @gullible goobular

Discord ID: 777765325789331488

2020-11-16 03:00:28 UTC  

I saw the headlines where Paddock's brother was arrested for CP

2020-11-16 03:00:55 UTC  

I saw the headlines where Paddock's house burnt down

2020-11-16 03:01:43 UTC  

I saw the few shell cases on the floor in official police photos

2020-11-16 03:04:03 UTC  

I think a mass shooter with plans would not bring 27 AR-15s, because you could simply reload magazines like everyone does

2020-11-16 03:05:09 UTC  

I even saw video where two flash points were from the bulding

2020-11-16 03:14:39 UTC  

> and he's from Austria which had been forced into Germany by the Nazis
@🍁🍃ChildOfTheAutumn🍃🍁 wrong he is hungarain and plus soros is just an opertunist like machiveli

2020-11-16 03:18:00 UTC  

The camel is a short giraffe that ate some coconuts.

2020-11-16 03:33:28 UTC  

> The camel is a short giraffe that ate some coconuts.
@FBI camel has longer buddy than giraffe though?

2020-11-16 03:38:06 UTC  

i meant Hungarian. the wrong word came to my mind. but yeah. Hitler was known for playing the long game and was an evil genius.

2020-11-16 03:38:12 UTC  

a terrbile man

2020-11-16 03:38:27 UTC  

he used his brains for evil

2020-11-16 03:42:48 UTC  

I wonder how long it would take for twitter to shutdown if Trump moved to Parler

2020-11-16 03:53:51 UTC  

Then Parler would become a cesspool like Twitter prob

2020-11-16 04:28:20 UTC  

Same sex marriage is a way to control population and when the population gets to the point they want they will ban same sex marriage

2020-11-16 04:28:59 UTC  

I always say/think that too

2020-11-16 04:29:11 UTC  

Like it's kinda beneficial I mean

2020-11-16 04:29:54 UTC  

Although I believe it's like a genetic/innate thing cause it happens in other animal populations

2020-11-16 04:30:46 UTC  

Nah they want you too think its genetic

2020-11-16 04:50:06 UTC  

Twitter would still have all the thots putting up their "content" lol

2020-11-16 05:20:07 UTC  


2020-11-16 05:21:43 UTC  

^ this guy

2020-11-16 05:22:09 UTC  


2020-11-16 06:19:29 UTC  

> Conspiracy theory
> Covid was invented to make trump look bad by China and get him out of office. Once out, vaccines will come miraculously.
> Think about it, without covid, trump easily would win a second term!
@Ryan N Is there already a NWO? If not, how do they get every country to coordinate their efforts in not putting out a vaccine?

2020-11-16 06:39:33 UTC  

Through the WHO and UN? Maybe?

2020-11-16 07:25:23 UTC  

Well one things for sure neither of those things are going to happen and it’s going to be exposed shortly

2020-11-16 07:25:33 UTC  

You should all backup online data

2020-11-16 07:43:08 UTC  

The frogs are gay

2020-11-16 08:05:26 UTC  

Yesterday’s conspiracy “theories” are rapidly becoming today’s conspiracies.
You think it’s the chi comms, no.
You think it’s the Illuminati? No, the jesuits no, Freemasons no no no, deeper further down the rabbit hole. It’s demonic.
Bloodlines down through the ages.

2020-11-16 08:05:56 UTC  

All the way back to the beginning. Good vs evil. Nothing has changed

2020-11-16 08:06:25 UTC  

Today’s evil is just more sanitized, Hollywooded up if you like.

2020-11-16 08:09:49 UTC  

These evil sick #%#% are still sacrificing children to molech. They are still destroying Gods creation and eroding marriage and families.
Someone give me a better explanation as to why nothing makes logic and everything seems upside down.
“In the last days Good will be called evil and evil will be called good”

2020-11-16 09:00:45 UTC  

@HR That is the plain and simple Truth.

2020-11-16 09:02:48 UTC  

People do not consider that it says in the Word that the last days will be like the days of Noah, they do not consider how much evil there was in the world and the things that were taking place at the hands of mankind in order for him to flood the earth to cleanse it. Seeing as how Christ said that there will be a tribulation at the end unlike any the world has ever seen before and that there will never be another like it, really makes one think about how bad things will truly get.

2020-11-16 09:03:20 UTC  

Their weapon is always fear. The 3 main tools they have always used from the begging to this day is money, power, and religion (not all beliefs are centered around a deity/s). Always operating in secret with knowledge/information as their most coveted asset, and through the suppression of ideas and freethinking (think Galileo) they control the advancements of the world population. As we progress we are stunted and led astray as they write our history to best suit themselves. Remember the saying, "history is written by the victors". With these strangleholds on the minds of men they're able to rapidly increase their power over us, much like a global Stockholm Syndrome. There have always been those of us who have resisted and fought back, though in the past they quickly stamp it out and almost always attribute the incidences to terrorism or whatever threat they're peddling at that time. In the past it was heretics and witches, then it was other countries' that's of war, followed by the Nazis, then the Russians, which continued into terrorists, to today of racist-evil-conservatives/the Russians... Again. Now the resisting group has been growing at such an alarming rate (like in the Matrix films with unplugging people), they're fro on us is slipping. Out of a panic, they accelerate their plans which are harder to conceal so there's a ton of distractions going on (impeachments, Russia hoaxes, protests, riots, celebrity mouth pieces, etc.) yo further hypnotize those that are still enthralled by their pied-piping. Their scrambling to complete their global conquest while retaining their existing victories is why we're seeing all this lunacy, out as started before, "... Why nothing makes logical [sense] and everything seems upside down." Through demonizing those that see behind the curtain, " the good guys," and lifting up their own members , "the bad guys," as heros to be admired am emulated. Thus the good=bad and bad= good, situation we're seeing.

2020-11-16 09:12:31 UTC  

Isa. 5:20, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

2020-11-16 09:46:35 UTC  

@[BfB] Baptized I agree mate.
“The end will be like the days of Noah”
Here’s a theory for you.
In the days of Noah fallen angels bred with the sons of men. There were no more pure humans except Noah and his family, that’s why God needed to destroy the entire Earth.
We are heading back to that with this new RNA vaccine which will alter human DNA and we will no longer be pure human.
This is very plausible as to why God said the end will be similar to back then.

2020-11-16 09:47:43 UTC  

@HR I take it you have read The Book of Enoch? 🙂

2020-11-16 09:47:53 UTC  


2020-11-16 09:48:05 UTC  

I havnt

2020-11-16 09:48:27 UTC  

@HR Read it, by R.H. Charles and only the first one, the second one is not legit.

2020-11-16 09:48:59 UTC  

To me the Bible is clear enough regarding this topic. I’m interested though. What is your take on it?