Message from @Flaire
Discord ID: 779497352980332544
copy paste incoming
Study A:
Study B:
Clarification that the study is indeed a 100% Republican data universe:
I didn't know twitter links had previews, suppose I could have just posted those heh
There's so many channels here, I'm probably overlapping into the high grass.
what's the bet the dems will ignore it just like everything else?
^^^ they already did lmaooooo in what world does dems actually address anything?
So google Earth has found some sort of kraken or giant squid
if voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it
Why is Squid head labeled as a Church in the Antarctic?
I just saw a video on it and found it myself and tapped on it
And that's what happened
Pray to the holy squid head
democrat --> dem
panic --> pan + ic
pan + dem + ic
Theory: they changed the special forces way to receive and go on missions because the people in charge would not want the raid in Germany to happen. It also makes sense because now they can communicate with people better and give Intel without it being tampered with.
Now the presidents team has the server with all the vote switching information on it.
I feel like at one point in time, when you come out as a conservative, someone has called you a Nazi
Oh god, I have some stories to tell about that...
Conspiracy: Trump isn't real. He's a Russian hoax. He's actually an alien-like NPC that was created on Jupiter in order to infiltrate the US government from space, to gather alien intelligence to assert totally insanely terrible toxic-masculinity-like-estrogen-pill-requiring dominance throughout the world and solar system. <:NPC:720120095581405256>
Ben shapiro.
conspiracy: the presidency is actually just kanye west and kanye east but they dont want you to know
Good Morning, Sunday Morning
I don't think this counts as a conspiracy theory but I'm a sole believer that once the baby boomers all die, America will die with them unless people start teaching the youth to love America rather than hate it. I noticed that the boomers are by far the most patriotic generation we have and that ever since gen x came after the boomers it went down hill. Gen x is still pretty patriotic but then came the milenials which was when the love for America took a nose dive. And since all of the pop stars and influencers are milenials and lean Democrat, gen z is getting heavily influenced by them since they are young and impressionable. I myself am apart of gen z and I've noticed this with Harry Styles, Vogue, Ariana Grande, etc. I apologize for the missuse of wording if there is any at all, where I am from, I am writing this at midnight and I am extremely tired.
Honestly I can see it too and it's bad 😐
People often call me a boomer, but like, my _grandparents_ were boomers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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How else could he post something now while being at tomorrow?
What if he posted it now and it time travelled to tomorrow? theres a 1 hour documentary on there i found really interesting and scary at the same time. It talks about how these covid vaccines are meant to kill the population while using the fake pandemic as an excuse
I kind of think people give the boomers a bit of a hard time. They are right about of society having lost a lot since the mid to late 20th century and they were pretty historic decades. And, for the most part, I got the impression that a lot of old folk are not rude and horrible to young people. It's likely to just be that people want to have something to blame all their problems on, and they chose their parents/grandparents.
The baby boomer generation is also the flower power free love feminazi revolution generation. aka the generation that destroyed the nuclear family