Message from @dbel

Discord ID: 781449825710506024

2020-11-26 01:50:13 UTC  

^^^ apparently britain, too. have a wonderful holidays, people!

2020-11-26 03:30:07 UTC

2020-11-26 03:30:20 UTC

2020-11-26 03:30:45 UTC  

Definitely confirmed COVID 😂

2020-11-26 04:04:45 UTC  

Gosh darn it I forget these things are actual reality and not just a nightmare my brain made up

2020-11-26 04:09:17 UTC  

But with aoc making lists of trumpies and the normalization of using physical violence because people's personal beliefs differ gives the left a lot of power to just make people who disagree with them to die of covid

2020-11-26 04:13:45 UTC  

It's not just AOC. Neo-con Never Trumpers at the Lincoln Project are the ones responsible for getting Trump lawyers to recuse themselves from PA litigation. They doxed them by the way. Watch the JRE podcasts with Alex Jones, as the crazy things he says are verified to be true by and large. We live in a scummy world with a dark backside

2020-11-26 04:55:48 UTC  

Yeah, I was just naming aoc cuz it was the first example I thought of, and it's the first person I think when I thought about. I also did see that episode

2020-11-26 04:57:58 UTC  

The latest episode?

2020-11-26 06:18:19 UTC  

If Karens are usually moms... does that mean Karens created everything

2020-11-26 06:32:43 UTC  

@ARCADEIUS i watched that video and ya completely agree

2020-11-26 06:59:26 UTC  

I have a genuine question about this.

Isn't the holocaust about an extermination of one whole race?
If so and you're telling that MTV predicted this thing would happen, then who will the (future) US Government target?

2020-11-26 07:17:17 UTC  

the future US government will target politicians as enemies

2020-11-26 07:40:35 UTC  


2020-11-26 07:46:12 UTC  

just remember that as long as Google see's their oligarchy so close to completion, we will never EVER be free of fake news

2020-11-26 07:46:36 UTC  

Trump will be elected again and Google will pay a HUUUGE price

2020-11-26 07:47:40 UTC  

allowing the youtube channels they blacklisted to exist publicly again and paying the people their ad revenue

2020-11-26 07:48:52 UTC  

I want my ad revenue. I have no channel but I smell money and I want their money XD

2020-11-26 09:15:32 UTC  

Hey, gang! Is Thanos an eggplant?

2020-11-26 09:22:37 UTC  

Just remember

2020-11-26 09:22:46 UTC  

We have more guns than they do

2020-11-26 09:28:40 UTC  

And what do you mean by that?

2020-11-26 10:06:17 UTC  

i have heard of governments making deaths into covid deaths

2020-11-26 10:06:31 UTC  

probably to hold onto power a little longer

2020-11-26 10:06:35 UTC  

and seem like a hero

2020-11-26 11:08:18 UTC  

@GoldKeyOboist I too have a conspiracy Theory with the Whole Covid-19 and how it linked to Rigging the Election that we know they stole from us Patriots. There is a lot of info and many video evidence throughout this year to back it up too. I may work on it and post it later myself.

2020-11-26 11:25:49 UTC  


2020-11-26 11:26:02 UTC  

watch the first 1 minute 30

2020-11-26 11:30:39 UTC  


2020-11-26 11:52:43 UTC  

I also want to ask for those people believing that Covid is fake.

Do you also believe that other countries have this 'disease' or is it also fake news that they have it?

2020-11-26 12:03:15 UTC  

Who’s to say this disease is even real in the first place and there’s not a really bad regular flu? Thats what I said in the beginning, then I remembered how much china hates us

2020-11-26 12:30:26 UTC  

The virus isn't fake but the testing seems to have a high number of false positive. I've heard of too many stories of people getting tested multiple times within a short time frame and different results. Also some people not getting tested and leaving test sites due to long line. Then received a letter in the mail saying they were positive. Just seems like there is a lot of fear being generated.

2020-11-26 13:05:20 UTC  

People are getting sick, like they always do, but suddenly we are documenting it, raising "numbers", labeling it "covid-19", pretending it's a "new disease", with symptoms _identical_ to the common flu.

How convenient that this totally-not-a-flu is identical to the flu, so that _everybody_ who gets sick from now until the end of time is "covid", and somehow this is justification for giving the government more power, controlling every aspect of our lives, destroying small businesses.

Unless we take a stand against this hoax, the PLANdemic will never end. Covid-19 was planned in advance (Event 201) and is a thinly veiled cover for the New World Order, AKA The Great Reset. But don't take _my_ word for it, take it from the World Economic Forum. They said it, not me.

Anybody who still refuses to consider this hiding-in-plain-sight _actual conspiracy_ is a sleepy sheep.

Also, look around you. Despite reports of "tons of cases" yadda yadda, and "deaths" blah blah blah... do you see people dropping dead in the streets? Do you _see_ this "pandemic" anywhere except for TV and news?

If you had never heard of covid, never heard of this pandemic, if you completely avoided the news... would you even be able to see the pandemic? Would you notice it, would you observe it?

My conclusion is that it's a fraud, just like Joe Biden's vote count.

2020-11-26 13:07:18 UTC  


2020-11-26 13:08:02 UTC  

The question is not whether or not viruses are fake, that isn't the question. Viruses do exist, we've seen them under a microscope.

2020-11-26 13:09:11 UTC  

Also, follow the money. "Big Pharma" doesn't generally make money off of healthy people.

2020-11-26 13:10:29 UTC  

If you're not familiar with terrain theory, now is the time to learn about it. It's important to consider _all_ possible theories about what actually causes disease.

2020-11-26 13:11:57 UTC