Message from @Pal3Rid3r

Discord ID: 792922884913758249

2020-12-28 01:01:54 UTC  

Well I mean specifically the one phrase

2020-12-28 01:03:55 UTC  

He didn’t need those votes. He won.

2020-12-28 01:04:52 UTC  

This is what LSD does to your vision.

2020-12-28 01:05:19 UTC  

What is *this* doing in <#763630921403465728> ???

2020-12-28 01:05:58 UTC  

Technically it is still a conspiracy theory that Trump won

2020-12-28 01:06:24 UTC  

I'm making a joke.

2020-12-28 01:06:30 UTC  

What ever it wants

2020-12-28 01:06:48 UTC  

Interesting way to look at it lol. I think the real conspiracy is how Biden cheated

2020-12-28 01:07:03 UTC  

No theory there. That’s fact

2020-12-28 01:07:42 UTC  

That is a fact. The conspiracy theory is how MUCH Biden cheated 😂

2020-12-28 01:07:51 UTC  

Millions of votes

2020-12-28 01:08:08 UTC  

And how exactly, who he paid, etc...

2020-12-28 01:08:30 UTC  

Several countries are involved in this

2020-12-28 01:08:50 UTC  

They were installing joe to destroy America

2020-12-28 01:09:02 UTC  

He was going to do what Hillary was supposed to

2020-12-28 01:09:16 UTC  

She was shocked when she lost

2020-12-28 01:09:21 UTC  

She knew they cheated

2020-12-28 01:09:36 UTC  

She couldn’t make sense of it. So they made sure to win this time

2020-12-28 01:09:56 UTC  

And Trump saw them coming miles before they got there.

2020-12-28 01:12:27 UTC  

You really think that this perfectly laid out what happened in the election two years prior by guessing??

2020-12-28 01:12:31 UTC  


2020-12-28 01:12:55 UTC  

you know, people think 4th generation warfare, the war of propaganda if you will, is something, new. It is not, it is thousands of years old and has been used as recent before WW2 when Germany tried and successfully attempted to propagandize against the Eastern Block before attacking Russia, they also tried the same with France and Britian however met little success. what is going on now is nothing new, its the same tactics that have been tried and practived for thousands of years, only thing different is the ones doing it, and this time it is China who is doing the 4th generation warfare upon not just the US, but countries in Asia and Europe. it is no secret that Biden and his family are interconnected with the Chinese Gov, because how else are you able to recieve money transactions from China itself without having to deal with Xi Jin and his croney's

2020-12-28 01:12:59 UTC  

They’ve been fucked since they cheated on Nov 3.

2020-12-28 01:14:45 UTC  

and this, 4th Generation warfare, comes to its height right before all out war breaks out, question is how close are we to this point

2020-12-28 01:16:20 UTC  

Well. America may have win the battle with russia communism, but it is losing to the global communism war right now

2020-12-28 01:16:49 UTC  

I think it will mostly stay as culture war, but violence will start becoming the norm or widespread

2020-12-28 01:18:23 UTC  

Global communism is half of the U.S., its a war against itself

2020-12-28 01:18:53 UTC  

So an alien probed me last night with an 8inch antenna

2020-12-28 01:19:13 UTC  

GloCo is a tumor anywhere it spreads, but it is one not visible to the naked eye of the common man till it is too late, that is what makes it powerful

2020-12-28 01:19:20 UTC  

Wasn't that bad i told him I had a 10inch in service last time

2020-12-28 01:20:24 UTC  

Definitely. Not a single shot needed to be fire

2020-12-28 01:21:30 UTC  

Yup. People think it is impossible to orchestrated this huge effort. But if the effort had been for DECADES and infiltrated from within, it is very possible to exploit the fractures and control the machine

2020-12-28 01:24:44 UTC  

will we fall like that of the Czechs to the Nazi's in WW2? or shall we survive and overwealm the enemy that which is poisoning us?

2020-12-28 01:37:53 UTC  

actually they cheated on November 4th in most areas with doing the ballot dumps after midnight

2020-12-28 01:38:02 UTC  

This somehow seems appropriate

2020-12-28 01:39:13 UTC  

Im not hopeful tbh. Marx was a loser, but he was right that all society will eventually fall into communism

2020-12-28 02:11:40 UTC

2020-12-28 02:18:56 UTC  

One World Order under the US system lol