Message from @Necroitis99
Discord ID: 795186048178454528
I haven’t been following sorry
I just saw that one image and had to comment
Just that has to be the dumbest thing you could do
It’s like walking around with a Star of David in 1940 Germany
Like people are actively looking for you
Why make it so easy for them?
Some people are just that stupid
we were talking about all the stuff from Pompeo
Only two things that are infinite..the universe and human stupidity 🥲
and him cropping Pence out of pics
You think it’s confidence?
and NK being ran by the CIA
Like they know they’ll get away?
So they do it anyway
Like the whole thing about murderers “wanna get caught”
Just so that we admire their genius
That’s a real phenomenon btw
I just discovered all this Q shit last night so I don’t know what to believe anymore lol
Hopefully we get some bombshells soon
Imagine Biden getting arrested
And trump wins because it’s just him
like 60% of politicians just disappear on the 6th
Biden and Harris called off there inauguration luncheon
And at the end trump is like oh btw aliens
@StonerWithABoner LoL...that could happen
And one walks out and is chill af
like thanos snapping his finger
@suurge hahahah
Everyone’s saying billionaires this millionaires that
But at the end of the day, is rape that bad?
I mean if you are godless and have infinite power what’s stopping you
Morality is JuST a SoCiAL CoNSTrUcT
There was something on Coast to Coast about the mars rover and if they found microbes on the planet.... the Govt was going to just come out and say..." Oh roswell was real"
Morality isn’t a social construct but I do think it’s subjective
Was just teasing
I think it’s more universal but you know cultures will culture
If everyone agrees to the rules and sticks to em I don’t care if the commies develop some land somewhere far away