Discord ID: 254899410587090945
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Same 🥲
Only two things that are infinite..the universe and human stupidity 🥲
I just discovered all this Q shit last night so I don’t know what to believe anymore lol
Hopefully we get some bombshells soon
Imagine Biden getting arrested
And trump wins because it’s just him
And at the end trump is like oh btw aliens
And one walks out and is chill af
I mean if you are godless and have infinite power what’s stopping you
Morality is JuST a SoCiAL CoNSTrUcT
Was just teasing
I think it’s more universal but you know cultures will culture
If everyone agrees to the rules and sticks to em I don’t care if the commies develop some land somewhere far away
How tf would msm spin that though?
If I were the deep state I’d just kill him and blame it on proud boys
Gaslight and Pray 2020
There was drone footage of him but I don’t think it was him
Yea I think the theory for Roberts is he used a trafficking agency to adopt his Irish kids or some shit
I’m sure the whole truth would be juicer though 💁♂️
Depends who strikes first I guess 🥸
They just gonna roll Epstein out on stage
And he gonna give us a Steve Jobs PowerPoint presentation on pedos 🤣
Cuff em danno
Vague law so just a play on words I guess
But Epstein is alive sooooo
Unless he is just nuts
That sounds spicy to me
Didn’t find one plus hard to see at night probably
Found that for yuh tho
Yea couldn’t find nuffin
Flag looks photoshopped to me ...night time there would probably be slower shutter speed so flag would be more blurry
Beats me though
Edges look rubber stamped to shit as well
Y’all know anything crazier than project blue beam?
Only been dabbling in conspiracy theories for fun recently
Yea the original pic has a stroke too
So OP probably got two accounts
Song for the occasion
If China attacks us we won’t hear about it
Fake aliens 😅 who knows
Chinese ccp fucks with alien masks
From that alien Tim cast
Bible sounds lit
Sooo buy commodities?
I was trying to learn about commodities years ago
Never got into investing
Just bout 5 ounces of gold lol
And some silver
You think I should tease arch more about commodities any?
Yea same I was a poor college kid when I was mining btc for fun
Didn’t buy at 20 bucks
Yea I got 3 gold eagles and one Swiss
The Swiss bar cute as hell
Yea I’m sure they will come for your gold if a dem gets in office again
But hopefully the nation finds god and or principles
Yea I got at around 1200
I need to get into crypto ..looks like the gov is taking it serious
I was on the Peter Schiff train so he was a doomer
Even though I loved the idea of it
Lol yea
I stopped listening when he stopped his show and went to YouTube
It didn’t hit as hard
But I learned all I needed to know really
He seems like a nice guy
If I ever incorporate maybe I’ll go to Philippines lol
Is he an expat?
Ooo right got it wrong
Run for senator
what is CLAS
Italy got some explaining to dooooo
He also saved me a ton of money on car insurance
Yea Lin is crazy or playing long game
But if true there’s hope haha
And I’d take that over demoralization after the 6th
I can buy into they had to let the coup happen to prove to the military that courts could not resolve it
Long shot but I’ll take it
Interesting vid
Soooo who died?
Would you just use a Kia soldier ? Or just fabricate the entire family lol
Also did you guys see the first video you can see the red cloth hand over
The first angle of that shooting I saw you can see a red cloth being handed over
Yea saw Simon park definitely a planned coup
It’s Elijah Schaefer post
It’s just Nancy pelosi computer
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