Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 753529859719823380

2020-09-10 03:53:55 UTC  
2020-09-10 04:05:28 UTC  

Remember when people talked about racial segregation, like whites and blacks having separate water fountains, like it was a dark spot in American history? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

2020-09-10 04:19:02 UTC  

Separate but equal is inherently unequal. There's nothing else that I can say.

2020-09-10 05:29:17 UTC  

Ya let's fight racism by being actually racist!

2020-09-10 05:52:08 UTC

2020-09-10 07:21:01 UTC  

Segregation is woke now...apparently

2020-09-10 07:41:40 UTC  

Basically, if you suck, sit here. If you don't suck, sit over there.

2020-09-10 07:41:51 UTC  

But in reality... we all suck

2020-09-10 07:42:57 UTC

2020-09-10 08:03:37 UTC  

So I’ve noticed Antifa has disappeared from BLM “protest and the “protests” are smaller in turn out... interesting

2020-09-10 08:12:47 UTC  

antifa is busy with other tasks

2020-09-10 08:12:49 UTC  

Well, Oregon has allowed the Feds to take Antifa rioters and BLM is backed by the public from what I understand.

2020-09-10 08:13:09 UTC  

I think they're realizing it's not going to end well for them

2020-09-10 08:13:21 UTC  

and I knew very well the Democratic party would betray them.

2020-09-10 08:14:27 UTC  

that socialistic agenda died off decades ago globally, they'd never make it work on a global scale

2020-09-10 08:16:02 UTC  

Yeh... And they're not very real revolutionaries. It's been more of a pestilence.

2020-09-10 08:16:54 UTC  

at least the revolutionaries of old were better educated to reality of life than these idiots

2020-09-10 08:17:14 UTC  

That's my key point in a revolution.

2020-09-10 08:18:04 UTC  

they had 2 factors working against them when it all started to go off

2020-09-10 08:18:38 UTC  

1, they created the federal reserve. and 2, they didn't take into account the concept of 'conservativism'

2020-09-10 08:19:41 UTC  

if the federal reserve didn't get created...they coulda waited til the gov went belly up after some conservativism in the gov to cut costs

2020-09-10 08:20:17 UTC  

then the great depression woulda been a global event more so than it was, enough to trigger world wide change

2020-09-10 08:20:30 UTC  

instead of just isolated pockets of events

2020-09-10 08:21:21 UTC  

the gold horders woulda just held on to their assets to trigger a change

2020-09-10 08:21:37 UTC  

instead of embracing conservativism

2020-09-10 08:24:03 UTC  

look at chains of events - fed reserve created, then ww1 started around the same time of the communist revolution, then afterwards the 'spanish' flu happened, then later on the stock market crashes..then after that the 'great depression' happens

2020-09-10 08:25:05 UTC  

oh and during the revolution and ww1, chemical weapons were used on troops....and survivors of that war all of the sudden became the only victims of the 'spanish' flu

2020-09-10 08:29:22 UTC  

How is the Spanish flu related to that?

2020-09-10 08:30:02 UTC  

mass deaths create crisis events in society

2020-09-10 08:32:39 UTC  


2020-09-10 08:32:42 UTC  


2020-09-10 08:33:42 UTC  

Thing is, things like COVID-19, Antifa and BLM created a lot of distrust of our media. And the whole Anti-Trump bullshit didn't help. It was building up over the years.

2020-09-10 09:09:39 UTC  

This made me quite angry. I hate it when people say "white people don't have culture". Just come to my country, there are castles every 5 miles 😑 Imbeciles.

2020-09-10 10:17:54 UTC  
2020-09-10 10:29:25 UTC  

all those 'wild fires' in west coast states...antifa started

2020-09-10 10:29:30 UTC  


2020-09-10 11:41:06 UTC  

Never doubted that

2020-09-10 13:02:05 UTC  

lets not jump to conclusions and say theyre antifa eh