Message from @Bar

Discord ID: 784194397771137045

2020-12-03 02:03:49 UTC  

yea there's also that to, it's very hard to answer how many aren't hired because of skin color but we also have to consider that some aren't fit for being teachers

2020-12-03 11:04:04 UTC  

@Phoenix 3-1 certainly isn't racist to hire based on skills, people need to be vocal about it..maybe to the point of aggression.... I'm black (not American) and I recently got a mail about an opportunity to obtain funds and career assistance because I was a "minority"...As tempting as the offer was, I had to ignore it because I wanted no part in such ideas, discrimination based on gender and race is becoming the norm and it is very unsettling that people are gradually accepting it.

2020-12-03 14:49:18 UTC  

Equality is equal opportunity not special treatment

2020-12-03 14:49:26 UTC  

skill based not look gender or color

2020-12-03 15:17:00 UTC  

so ?

2020-12-03 15:17:45 UTC  

So? What

2020-12-03 15:18:10 UTC  

is that a bad thing ?

2020-12-03 15:18:45 UTC  

* about Republicans because blm is spot on <:KEK:726877368601411624>

2020-12-03 15:19:11 UTC  


2020-12-03 15:22:41 UTC  

You can never enact equal outcome. Even twin brothers with the exact same upbringing will end up different.

2020-12-03 15:51:50 UTC  

And my choice to never place my child in public schools seems even more justified... 🤦

I'm a former teacher, which influenced that decision originally due to poor standards to start with. Now "we want racism in schools" is a thing. <:Greta:720119386668531763>

2020-12-03 20:56:43 UTC  

any school system where u don't have active observation of what they're actually teaching ur kids with...has it's own agenda behind ur back and ur paying for it either thru fees or taxes or both

2020-12-03 22:10:15 UTC  

Yeah, been there done that. i've been black in southeast Texas for over 7 decades. Had I accepted the idea I was incapable of doing anything without the help of white Democrats, I'd be poor and living in a slum somewhere. Instead, my dad raised us to be independent of others, to be the best we could be on our own. I now own several businesses employing several hundred people in high income positions. The ONLY people EVER concerned with the color of my skin have been leftists. Leftists have for years told me just how incapable I was; I couldn't get a degree without their help (I six Bachelors, 4 Masters and a Doctorate, all without their help); never own a business without them, I own 3 and part-owner of two others; I could never be successful without their help, I do pretty well and I have never ONCE needed the help of ANY leftist (Democrat).

Conservatives have only ever cared about the color of my money (and how much of it I could make for them). the only real racists I've ever run into were so ignorant and backward they were never in any position to have any impact on me or my success. Like the valet who 20 years ago didn't want to park my truck at a hospital in Houston because I was black. I offered him a construction job with a company I own making three times what he made parking other people's cars. He's now one of my foremen and his daughter is in our intern program and picked up one of our college scholarships. She's dating a classmate who's half black, also in our intern program.

2020-12-03 22:20:49 UTC  

You’re balling my friend.

2020-12-03 22:20:59 UTC  

American Dream right there.

2020-12-03 22:53:58 UTC  

eeehh american dream

2020-12-03 22:54:23 UTC  

not everyone can become middle class

2020-12-03 23:05:54 UTC  

Well considering the definition of "middle class" is the middle of an arbitrary social hierarchy that is a rather "well duh" statement. If the bottom of your arbitrary group is a $1Million a year and the top is $10M, "Middle Class" is $5M a year. Middle class income in the US is around $70K, but that ignores the fact that "Middle Class" income in NEw York State is around $100K and in Alabama its around $50K. "Middle Class" is a fabrication created to instill jealousy, and little else.

2020-12-03 23:06:32 UTC  

EVERYONE can be better than they are.

2020-12-03 23:07:15 UTC  

yes however we still need people working low income jobs, like factories, grocery and essentials

2020-12-03 23:08:34 UTC  

What makes you believe factory jobs are low income?? I own a construction company, my guys make good money once the obtain the needed skills

2020-12-03 23:09:34 UTC  

because they make an average of 32k a year

2020-12-03 23:10:05 UTC  

and that would generally be considered lower middle to lower class depending on region

2020-12-03 23:10:20 UTC  

ahh there's that "average" crap again. That takes people at entry level and averages them with skilled people.

2020-12-03 23:10:43 UTC  

What are the high and low of the position??

2020-12-03 23:10:50 UTC  


2020-12-03 23:11:43 UTC  

around 80k for a manager position

2020-12-03 23:12:15 UTC  

and 23k at entry level

2020-12-03 23:13:07 UTC  

i 100% agree with some of your points its just that america relys on the working class and the lower incomed people

2020-12-03 23:21:06 UTC  

$80K is middle class nearly everywhere in the US.

No the US, uses unskilled labor instead of innovation because its cheaper. Unskilled labor is just that, unskilled. That makes it cheap. Once that labor becomes skilled it gets expensive fast. I hire completely unskilled labor at minimum wage in intern positions in an engineering company. About 15%-20% have what it takes to move beyond an intern. In 4-5 years they can be making $25/hr. I have people with no college at all making $50-$100 an hour with experience. That's what a low entry level wage provides, an opportunity to be better.

2020-12-03 23:22:27 UTC  

are you saying that young people before experience work at low income jobs?

2020-12-03 23:25:43 UTC  

No, not at all. I'm saying unskilled people work at low income jobs that exist only because unskilled is cheap.

2020-12-03 23:25:59 UTC  


2020-12-03 23:26:41 UTC  

but if everyone develops skills than no one would want to work at some assembly line making low income

2020-12-03 23:27:54 UTC  

If you find an older adult in a job that is an unskilled labor job, he has an issue that can't be addressed by an increase in minimum wage. That issue might be youth and inexperience, it might be a lack of language skills, it might be can't pass a bleedin' piss-test.

2020-12-03 23:29:34 UTC  

The reason only 14%-20% of the interns make it is half the time they simply are incapable of showing up on time, the other half fail drug tests at some point

2020-12-03 23:29:48 UTC  

or both

2020-12-03 23:29:50 UTC  


2020-12-03 23:30:04 UTC  

where are you from bar?

2020-12-03 23:30:28 UTC  

Southeast Texas east of Houston a bit

2020-12-03 23:30:47 UTC  

is that a dem area?