Message from @jerpeau

Discord ID: 750608370033229904

2020-09-02 03:23:52 UTC  

After I ordered a kit, they sent me a confirmation email, so I confirmed it, but they never got back to be saying it's been shipped (I waited about 2 weeks and there was no response)

2020-09-02 03:24:29 UTC  

So I emailed my AZ TPUSA representative and asked for help, and she said that activism kits are only given to students who run the chapters

2020-09-02 03:24:47 UTC  

So that was that, I left the confirmation email alone

2020-09-02 03:24:51 UTC  

Until... aN HOUR AGO

2020-09-02 03:25:17 UTC  

They send me... a confirmation email that it's been shipped... and the activism kit is ***tHIRTEEN POUNDS***
..So now what

2020-09-02 03:30:43 UTC  

U wear it

2020-09-02 03:44:10 UTC  

@Madbrewer I'm in a kinda opposite situation. I'm in a purple state, but DEEEEEEEP blue area. Lots of my co-workers are super-SJW. Last year we had to endure one of those DEI training sessions and it was literally socialist propaganda. But I've been talking to some co-workers and our HR consultant and I'm finding maybe not everyone is drinking the Koolaid. Next week I'm talking to the three bosses, and I am optimistic (based on information given to me by some other people) that I have a good chance of swaying them to cut the crap out or quietly sunset it over time so as not to alarm the SJWs. The whole situation arose last year when a SJW quit and wrote an editorial on a major site basically throwing out company under the bus and claiming it was all full of evil -phobes and -ists.

2020-09-02 03:46:35 UTC  

I think many companies are catching on to the poison of the SJW crowd. The thing that terrifies me is their influence in education (all levels) and the creepy _1984_ stuff going on in places like DC.

2020-09-02 03:51:07 UTC  

My asshole coworker made a Facebook post about a patient where he had divulged personal information and making potentially offensive conjecture. He just set up my hospital system up for major lawsuit. These progressive assholes don’t think about the consequences of their actions how they set up companies for major lawsuits

2020-09-02 03:58:12 UTC  

Yeah, I'd say let the lawsuits flow though I realize that could endanger your livelihood. That's part of the reason why they can get away with it on a fairly regular basis.

2020-09-02 05:12:03 UTC  

Hi guys I want to buy a maga hat do you know of any companies that sells made in america maga hats and export to South Africa

2020-09-02 05:12:51 UTC  

I have no idea bro I'm sorry

2020-09-02 05:30:37 UTC  

Made in America... yes... shipping... uhhhhhhh....
I think the official Trump campaign sites have made in USA hats.

2020-09-02 06:35:23 UTC  

They only ship to America

2020-09-02 06:39:11 UTC  

There is a anti trump rally and I really want to go to it with a trump hat and American flag

2020-09-02 06:42:13 UTC  

Thats gonna get you tbe big bruises

2020-09-02 06:46:51 UTC  

Saint kyle will protect me

2020-09-02 06:47:33 UTC  

We are twenty friends going

2020-09-02 06:48:41 UTC  

Dammit! Now I wanna go 😂

2020-09-02 06:48:44 UTC  

And only 10 people said they where going to atend the anti trump rally

2020-09-02 06:49:41 UTC  

Oh! Turn it on its head. Go full MAGA on them and make it pro Trump 😂

2020-09-02 07:07:49 UTC  

Let's call that a peaceful protest.

2020-09-02 07:08:02 UTC  

MAGA <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>

2020-09-02 07:39:58 UTC  

Difference between this thread and the people they criticize is that one side actually has facts confirmed while the other makes shit up to make themselves feel better.

2020-09-02 14:09:47 UTC  

@Mnr. Buffel > There is a anti trump rally and I really want to go to it with a trump hat and American flag
@Mnr. Buffel don't get shot

2020-09-02 14:16:22 UTC  

I was talking to my friend about Epstein and Maxwell and she hadn’t hear ANY of it and was really intrigued
Then I mentioned Trump and then she said in the most condescending voice “You *do* realize that Trump is a pedophile, right? Like it’s proven?”
And I was like “Where? Give me specific examples.”
And she said “Well... I don’t really know, it’s just what I heard.”
And I was like “Where?”
And completely serious she responds “TikTok.”

2020-09-02 14:17:18 UTC  

Anyway, I haven’t dropped her as a friend because she has a kind heart and she’s been brainwashed by the media. I’ve been able to change her mind about a lot of things

2020-09-02 14:18:00 UTC  

But dang, I was like why on earth would you get your news from *TikTok*

2020-09-02 14:31:21 UTC  

There talking big brain stuff in the other chat

2020-09-02 14:33:55 UTC  

at least trying to

2020-09-02 14:35:53 UTC  

we are kind of being brainlets in some cases but at least making some good points on the topic

2020-09-02 14:36:15 UTC  

its if anything a good discussion

2020-09-02 14:36:24 UTC  

yeah it's a good topic

2020-09-02 15:37:42 UTC  

This is random, but I was reading the new Harley Quinn YA oriented graphic novel last night and it's literally just liberal cringe. Poison Ivy is black and calls her principal racist for calling her "Miss Ivy like a 50's house maid." Harley and Ivy also obnoxiously protest Gotham High's film club by dressing up as clowns and screaming "BOOGERS!" at the people attending, all because the film club only shows movies that changed the industry and none of them happened to be created by women, or more specifically, women of color.

2020-09-02 15:39:15 UTC  

In this particular book, she's fifteen and lives in an apartment building owned by a drag queen who is basically her surrogate "mother." We've really come this far, y'all.

2020-09-02 15:41:33 UTC  

Well 24 hours after I had my lawyer and full board meeting to draw up paperwork to move up to 308 employees from Minneapolis to South Dakota 285 of them have signed that they are on board with moving to SD 😄

2020-09-02 15:41:41 UTC  

oh my!

2020-09-02 15:41:47 UTC  

That's cool!

2020-09-02 15:42:02 UTC  

Cost to move them is going to be around $24m but it is 100% fucking worth it

2020-09-02 15:43:10 UTC  

anyone that has worked 1 full year automatically qualified, and anyone that has a 100% attendance record for 6 months also qualified. Plus I talked to every manager and asked who they wanted to come with.