Message from @Memologist Ph.D.

Discord ID: 767564617165570058

2020-10-19 01:29:54 UTC  

Don’t be *de*pressed

2020-10-19 01:30:00 UTC  

Be *com*pressed

2020-10-19 01:30:08 UTC  

Squeeze into a box or something

2020-10-19 01:33:23 UTC  


2020-10-19 01:33:38 UTC  


2020-10-19 01:33:52 UTC  

Then you can go be depressed in a box

Would anyone be down for an ethics discussion over a scenario?

2020-10-19 01:35:08 UTC  

sure why not

2020-10-19 01:35:24 UTC  

Maybe on like 15 minutes

Suppose you were to build a competing social media platform. But you wanted to do a little extra

Allow users with verified accounts access to overrides in case of fires, or the need for medial or law enforcement aid by a person?

Would allowing those same law enforcement officials have complete read access in instance of a valid warrant id's be ethical?

2020-10-19 01:41:57 UTC  

read access to what for example

Say there is a crime committed. Say local law enforcement come to believe person A may under suspicion, law enforcement would have complete read access to your accounts information,

2020-10-19 01:46:56 UTC  

No, they have a warrant

2020-10-19 01:47:12 UTC  


2020-10-19 01:47:18 UTC  

thats like the same thing with government

But would be required to enter a valid warrant id to attempt to access

2020-10-19 01:47:29 UTC  

we dont want them accessing our info

2020-10-19 01:47:45 UTC  

i would say maybe with a valid warrant

But after entering the warrant for the information notify the user of the access atempt?

2020-10-19 01:48:36 UTC  

Criminals should be punished, if they believe the info is available and they get a warrant to access that info, they should get access to the info

Should you also be notified your information has been accessed? And remind the users its a public platform?

And here's the warrant, we fully recommend you contact a lawyer?

2020-10-19 01:50:28 UTC  

No, that would alert them and possibly allow them to destroy possible evidence

For information

We would be talking very large servers needed to host the scalability required

2020-10-19 01:51:40 UTC  

What if some information is online and some is in person? Police wouldn’t access both at once and as soon as criminals gets that notification they would destroy evidence and might even attempt to flee the country

Anything shared to the service would have been sent to the media cloud storagr

2020-10-19 01:52:41 UTC  

Ok, and?

Once the warrant had been issued the account would have an image captured of it

All information that was there given to authorities

2020-10-19 01:53:28 UTC  

That wouldn’t stop a criminal from buy plane tickets to Cuba after flushing all their coke down the toilet

2020-10-19 01:54:12 UTC  

The notification would allow the criminals to destroy physical evidence not online yet

Exceptions then?

Depending on what the warrant type is?

Submit the warrant you need to search physical property to stop the notification?

2020-10-19 01:56:17 UTC  

Most warrants work based off of surprising criminals. If police know he was in contact with know drug dealers and that was online, it’ll be great if they could access it. If when accessing it, they only found he contacted one known drug dealer and didn’t talk too specifically, the criminals would get the warrant notification and destroy all physical evidence.