Message from @nate112332

Discord ID: 605740537160400918

2019-07-30 12:24:53 UTC  


2019-07-30 12:25:00 UTC  

its early, everyone is sleeping, not ded

2019-07-30 12:25:50 UTC  

I for one appreciate the people awake during Australian time

2019-07-30 12:27:55 UTC  

yeah, I don't believe in the bs that human activity causes it all ...
it's probably 90% due to solar activity

but what I don't like is when humans pollute the planet with their plastic bs, that has to end bc we're poisoning ourselves with that
(like bps said in one of his video,
maybe one reason of the downfall of rome was, that they were using led pipes for their water, and thereby poisoning themselves and getting mentally ill bc of the lead particles)

2019-07-30 12:28:17 UTC  

but this co2 shit became like a religion

2019-07-30 12:28:49 UTC  

I just think no one can be serious unless they start talking nuclear

2019-07-30 12:30:19 UTC  

and germans just doing stupid bs ...
like introducting co2 certificates and trade
then at the same time the german state subsidized heavily expensive "green" energy, while all the companies sold their co2 certificates at a low price

and the other EU nations, just bought up the co2 certificates gladly for cheap and continued to use their fossil fuel power plants <:FacePalm:585704242124423198> <:FacePalm:585704242124423198> <:FacePalm:585704242124423198>

2019-07-30 12:30:48 UTC  

Exact same thing happened here

2019-07-30 12:31:51 UTC  

"The ever-incubating mass shooter, these young men nurturing their anger through first-person shooter games, violent pornography, through racism and a fascination with guns and violence, is our greatest, most stubborn and pressing threat — more so, I would argue, than Islamic terrorism or Russian hacking or immigration or trade wars."

2019-07-30 12:32:21 UTC  

at least not only "white men"
but they're again shitting on men in general

2019-07-30 12:32:56 UTC  

omg ... how stupid is this article <:FacePalm:585704242124423198>
but ofc it has to fit their narrative

2019-07-30 12:33:31 UTC  

"From those mass shooters who have attacked the innocent before, we know it’s a specific strain of anger — deep, repressed, biblically vengeful — felt most commonly by young men, almost always white, who report feeling alienated, dispossessed, misunderstood, victimized and all too often rejected by women."

2019-07-30 12:33:47 UTC  

I wonder if he comes from a single parasite environment

2019-07-30 12:33:49 UTC  

"It is anger, stoked to malignancy by a culture in which it’s become acceptable to isolate yourself and talk, online only, to people who think and blame and rage like you do. And that way of life has somehow become almost normal."

2019-07-30 12:34:40 UTC  

I mean, I agree, there are probably lot of angry men,
the incel community is full of them
and there are also enough red pill / mgtows who are in their red pill rage phase
``Their chosen outlet is the mass slaughter of innocents, carnage at places the rest of us once deemed safe ``
^ this is the biggest problem, bc due to a such few dipshits, the leftists may use this as an excuse to push new retarded legislation against men
(making the problem even worse)

2019-07-30 12:35:30 UTC  

And no one cares when a crazy bitch shoots up google

2019-07-30 12:35:48 UTC  

no ofc not, she has the pussy pass

2019-07-30 12:36:13 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney I think there is A VERY high chance for that

2019-07-30 12:36:23 UTC  

but that would require causal thinking !
REEEEEE <:ree:480188470942498827>

2019-07-30 12:36:38 UTC  


2019-07-30 12:37:04 UTC  

how dare you wanting to solve the problem, by finding the cause ?! <:ree:480188470942498827>
that's hateful <:ree:480188470942498827>

2019-07-30 12:38:42 UTC  

Regardless of who it is, they obviously know it’s an epidemic

2019-07-30 12:39:06 UTC  

They keep on blaming the wrong thing

2019-07-30 12:39:34 UTC  

There’s a cause not being addressed

2019-07-30 12:54:28 UTC  


2019-07-30 13:12:52 UTC  

like I said,
you're thinking llke a man, you want to solve the problem
so you don't want to treat the symptom
BUT you want to solve the cause / core issue

and ESPECIALLY bc solving the cause or even just talking about it would go EXACTLY against their ideology

2019-07-30 13:25:02 UTC  

@HotNoob dont give them screenshots to take us down plz

2019-07-30 13:25:15 UTC  

oh its in the past.

2019-07-30 13:29:44 UTC  

The solution is clear

2019-07-30 13:29:53 UTC  

But for weak minds it is hard to bear

2019-07-30 13:32:14 UTC  

how bout you raise young men properly and teach them to focus on hobbies rather than worrying about getting laid or social standing

2019-07-30 13:32:39 UTC  

the latter comes as a result of being a developed human being

2019-07-30 13:33:05 UTC  

its not about not being laid, its about having no one to talk to about it. no one respectable that is.

2019-07-30 13:33:06 UTC  


2019-07-30 13:33:29 UTC  

you could have people to talk to about it if you had a shared interest with others

2019-07-30 13:34:19 UTC  

Do you know what we would get if we treated our young white men properly?

2019-07-30 13:34:27 UTC  


2019-07-30 13:34:33 UTC  

Chik-Fil-A employees

2019-07-30 13:34:44 UTC  

Guys, I can't wait for the 2020 election outcome

2019-07-30 13:35:00 UTC  

maybe it was the garlic festival that finally pushed him over the edge