Message from @Jody

Discord ID: 709972669839179807

2020-05-06 20:55:48 UTC  

what up

2020-05-06 20:56:29 UTC  

tried to join with this account, but when I clicked the link it tried to have me make a new account for whatever reason

2020-05-06 20:57:37 UTC  

that's fine

2020-05-06 20:59:48 UTC  

Just tried to invite you, did that work? Sorry I’m still figuring out discord haha

2020-05-06 21:01:50 UTC  

Maybe try joining from your phone with the app installed. My phone auto detected the invite link and used the Discord app to join in one click.

2020-05-06 21:02:49 UTC  

no, this is my actual Discord account, the other one without the AK is the one it originally tried to make me use

2020-05-06 21:04:33 UTC  

was just saying it initially wouldn't let me use this one for whatever reason

2020-05-06 21:04:51 UTC  

It could have been a temp issue with the API

2020-05-06 21:04:59 UTC  

At least it worked in the end

2020-05-08 01:03:56 UTC  

So... haven't we already had three of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse ride this year?

2020-05-12 18:25:30 UTC  

Hope everyone is having a great week! About to film here soon and hopefully have a video up tonight or tomorrow, as well as a second one within a few days

2020-05-12 23:10:45 UTC  

Can't wait @Tyler Zed 👏 Love your videos 🎉

2020-05-13 03:21:34 UTC  

@Tyler Zed, do you still have a book coming out soon?

2020-05-13 03:22:50 UTC

2020-05-13 03:35:56 UTC  

> @Tyler Zed, do you still have a book coming out soon?
@BobiusPrime yep! I’ve been working hard on it, I wanted to have it ready by June but it will be around September. Still too much I want to change and rewrite. I’m excited about it though

2020-05-13 03:37:55 UTC  

That picture is perfect @Juli_B 😁

2020-05-13 03:40:40 UTC  


2020-05-18 02:12:30 UTC

2020-05-23 16:02:47 UTC

2020-05-23 16:03:11 UTC  

@Tyler Zed thank you

2020-05-23 23:49:20 UTC

2020-05-23 23:51:15 UTC anyone playing animal crossing? 😃

2020-05-23 23:53:17 UTC  

heard PETA is protesting it because you can catch virtual fish. I wish I was joking

2020-05-23 23:54:04 UTC  

Good. Lord. Welp, now I have to go hard on fishing when I get off work tonight.

2020-05-24 00:00:08 UTC  

The funniest part is they protest an NPC for having fish in fish tanks, but I’m pretty sure you have to catch fish in order to get them in the tanks. This means that the PETA protests got on, caught fish, put them in tanks, then ran around typing EMPTY THE TANKS to a fucking penguin. I believe this is known in the scientific community as “De-evolution”

2020-05-24 00:44:12 UTC  

Just saw on the jimmy dore show, it looks like jesse ventura might be running 3rd party

2020-05-24 01:51:52 UTC  

Wow, Jesse keeps going back and forth on it

2020-05-24 01:53:09 UTC  

He had the jds release a campaign ad of sorts. I dunno. The simulation must think we're bored.

2020-05-24 12:38:38 UTC  

So, are we Zeducators? 😃

2020-05-25 17:38:54 UTC  

So Tyler whats up with this Joe Rogan going to Spotify thing? I know nothing about Joe Rogan and even less about Spotify, but I'm eagerly awaiting some platform to compete with Youtube so creators like yourself can have a fair playing field and not get censored/de-monetized all the time. I think this has some potential for that which is the only reason I'm watching this story, but I'm not sure. Spotify could have the same liberal masters Youtube has and it could just be more of the same, I don't know.

2020-05-25 18:00:35 UTC  

The Joe Rogan thing could open some doors for creators in the future for sure. His podcast and the videos will be exclusively on Spotify, which hopefully indicates Spotify’s attempt to compete with YouTube. Joe has even said that part of the reason (aside from the $100 million contract) is YouTube’s censorship issues. YouTube runs a monopoly right now so they can do whatever they want almost. Bitchute is a great place to also publish videos but in no way do they compare to YouTube in size and ability. Competition will be huge because right now YouTube can treat their creators like shit and nothing happens. Not only do they have the power to deplatfrom and censor content they don’t like, YouTube keeps 45% of the ad revenue from all videos, which in my opinion is very high. Competition will hopefully deter them from censorship and also take less money from creators

2020-05-25 18:07:43 UTC  

Yeah I'm dying for this Spotify thing, Bitchute, or something else to start the competition thing with Youtube. With half the country waiting for some alternative I feel like this could be a Fox News circa 1996 moment. Just needs some company or person with some backing to tip the scales and launch a competing service. Maybe if Elon Musk takes any more of those red pills he could seize the moment and start something.

2020-05-25 19:42:55 UTC  

@Tyler Zed I'm curious. Do you only get paid if people don't skip the ad? Also, how much per ad? (And... last night I watched ads on your video you said was demonetized... does that mean it got monetized again? or did I just waste my time?)

2020-05-27 16:47:07 UTC  

This stuff going on in Minneapolis makes me nervous.

2020-05-28 01:07:28 UTC  

@circuitguy good question, I’m not too sure about the ad skipping and if there is any money or not if skipped, also I can’t tell you exactly how much per ad fully watched either haha. I do know that on a fully monetized video the CPM (cost per thousand) is around $5 to $10, depends on the length of video. So that means $5-10 in ad money per thousand monetized views. This is before Youtube takes 45%. I would guess on a fully monetize video about 30-40% of views have ads. Obviously YouTube can’t monetize every view because there isn’t always enough advertisers buying ad space and there are thousands of creators uploading daily that have monetizable videos. On a yellow dollar sign video (limited or no ads) sometimes it’s $0 and other times 5-10% of views have ads. Generally if it says demonetized it has no ads, so that is surprising to hear you got one.

2020-05-28 01:08:32 UTC  

@beebarf the bard agreed, this stuff in Minneapolis is crazy. Lots of looting going on. I’m about 15 minutes from downtown so I’m suburbia, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see it here at some point