Message from @Mentrex
Discord ID: 722719318483271763
one word: AtomWaffen
hes about to... reinforce a certain negative sterotype about us
Have to wake up in 4 hours
Only 12 44 AM for me
oh shit
he changed his mind again
this is what he posting
Guess he's having a hard time figuring out what to say without being suspicious
good morning everyone !
its of a guy knocking over a gay pride flag...
and standing ready to burn it
ah shit
he posted too many links
@Mentrex yeah
thats going too far
burning the american flag is "free speech"
while burning a countries flag is free speech
then again, if you can burn an american flag...
Hate speech is still part of free speech
"im all for free speech BUUUTTTT"
love that sentance
Stop these micro transgressions!!!
Our freedom doesnt end where their feelings begin
once you say but or how ever any thing you say is automaticlly stupid
They just keep making new words everyday
If they burn the flag of the country itself, we can definitely burn their flags
ima go to bed
Yea probably
I'm still awake just in case it happens right now