Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 722717240583127112
they saw it
LMAO he got banned for trolling
<@!722152971831345152> Nobody
acrolon posted the SS
he got banned
but if the admins could delete that SS, They sure as hell saw it
whats going on rn
Banned him for trolling
i know that
but you make it sound like something else is going on rn
Fairly quiet
General chat is quiet
I bet the people that run the server are getting paranoid atm.
LMAO Julius Seizure.....
some of these ppls names
Lol yea
i think i have an idea...
hes about to... reinforce a certain negative sterotype about us
Have to wake up in 4 hours
Only 12 44 AM for me
oh shit
he changed his mind again
this is what he posting
Guess he's having a hard time figuring out what to say without being suspicious
good morning everyone !
its of a guy knocking over a gay pride flag...
and standing ready to burn it
ah shit
he posted too many links
burning a pride flag is hate speech