
Discord ID: 455143871731466261

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Its usually once they access the internet that they begin to learn the truth, but usually its already too late and they don't want to change beliefs they had their whole life.

The principal would give him detention for hate speech

I dont do stocks but I flip PCs

I buy pre-built and upgrade then sell

Thats pretty good


But sometimes you find stuff from people who don't actually know what the stuff they're selling is worth

Its 6 pm for me

West Coast

OK its 5 47 for me too but 6 is easier to type


Just got service back

In the mountains

Away from all those protests in LA

Just been doing alot of offroading, shooting and fishing. No protests or anything.

They think that these people are heros for destroying the country

Maybe Biden's strokes are contagious

They are very severe if they can spread through the internet

Only 12 44 AM for me

I have always rly wanted to get into forging.

I was about to take some classes but they got canceled cause of the virus

Its getting there

The problem is that all these people living here hate America

Mostly the SJWs

They could go to China and be with their communist friends

And learn what real socialism is

How can they expect us to take the movement seriously

Its basically become get rid of all cops and white people

And they think we are the racist ones

The people running the movement probably actually think these people are stupid

I bet the ones behind BLM know how gullible these people are and are using them to gain power and control

All facts and statistics point to systemic racism not being a thing

Its more about class than race

Also a lot of people in black communities are raised by single mothers which makes them more likely to commit crimes

Even if black cops shot George Floyde because he was white, no one would care

They are insecure, so they virtue signal to validate themselves so they feel like they belong to something.

Even if that something is a racist, anti American movement


Thats the answer

Stop giving racist people attention, and stop calling non-racist people racist

But you can't be racist to white people. Obviously cause they aren't oppressed.

Or something

If Trump supported the protesting, they would say that he's ignoring the pandemic. if Trump told people not to protest, they would call him racist.

> Trump can cure cancer and it would be too late
@Living Legends
Don Lemon would go on and say how he's taking jobs away from docters

Don't give them any ideas

They are probably already planning an assassination

And people will support it

We gotta flip it back

Whatever happens, at least we know that we will get some good That Didn't Age Well videos out of it.

That makes sense

> i would know because i have never had it
Same. Too young to drink.

Just drink stuff that doesn't taste good so you never get addicted

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