Message from @Nadeko
Discord ID: 722847258768310353
This server filled up quick! Lol
I've been watching the videos for a while hoping to hear about a discord server
zed is one of my favriote youtubers
It do be good hours.
are the links for discord under Zed's videos working ? I had to go to the social tab on youtube and this one worked
I found it in the comments section of his newest video
@BigBoyBaphomet am I seeing Varg Vikernes?
@Krauser Yes you are. ;3
Welcome, @ray liotta private select.
Welcome, @seekeratruth.
CHOP... well lets see if they can even get their hands on a guillotine...
Putin is poutin. Change my mind
During the French revolution, people thought that the guillotine was painless, but with today's science, we know that you're still conscious for 7 seconds after decapitation
are they going to bring back robesaphere
We all know what happened to Robespierre in the end. His tyranny bit him in the ass.
Welcome, @Tsar Vladimir Putin.
The Jacobins were stupid, entitled brats.
Yo hi guys
@Tsar Vladimir Putin Heyo.
Welcome, @The Echidna Cult.
So many new people. This server is getting thicc.
extra thicc
@Wardog I had accidentally sent you a link in my dms I apologize
my phone was on in my pocket and sometimes the add to group stuff pops up
Welcome, @Deleted User.
Lots of new people to the server today, welcome everyone and thanks for being here!