Message from @AWOIII

Discord ID: 730095682584576062

2020-07-07 16:15:30 UTC  

I was happy when Wonder Woman didn't do the "I'm not a man" line that they basically set her up for.

2020-07-07 16:16:02 UTC  

I believe it was right before the scene with her running across the battlefield

2020-07-07 16:16:10 UTC  

they have to put "Fight the Patriarchy" in there somewhere

2020-07-07 16:16:45 UTC  

I feel like if you’re gay you should take pride in it every day just like I take pride in being an American every day. You don’t need to have parades to be proud of who you are. It’s so on the nose and the ones participating wonder why they get poked fun at.

2020-07-07 16:17:13 UTC  

@notyaP And instead we get an entire fucking month pandering to us and parading us as spectacles.

2020-07-07 16:17:18 UTC  

People also forget that not everyone who is gay supports the LGBTQ

2020-07-07 16:17:21 UTC  

I hate June.....

2020-07-07 16:17:22 UTC  

Honestly my views on sexuality is that I think being "proud" of your sexual orientation is really dumb because it is something you cannot control. I support gay lesbian bi trans and whatnot because people are born with those orientations and they cannot control it. Like I am not "proud" to be straight or anything.

2020-07-07 16:17:26 UTC  

@mikeflarkin yes, that made me incredibly happy too

2020-07-07 16:17:27 UTC  

I hate june

2020-07-07 16:17:33 UTC  

So do I.

2020-07-07 16:17:46 UTC  

It goes against everything my ancestors fought so hard for.

2020-07-07 16:17:49 UTC  

You’re a human being not a spectacle. It’s like a kid who gets made fun of going out of their way to stick it in your face.

2020-07-07 16:18:27 UTC  

Tbh it doesent matter what sexuality you are or whatever your beliefs are just don’t force them on other people

2020-07-07 16:18:30 UTC  

I don't have an issue with gay people, however I do have an issue with people who seem to base their entire life around their sexuality, that basically seem to have being gay as their only defining characteristic.

2020-07-07 16:18:37 UTC  

Like race gender or sexual orientation are factors about you that you should not be proud of, everyone is an individual not part of a group

2020-07-07 16:19:02 UTC  

If they really wanted to be treated as equal they wouldn’t be pushing sexuality in people’s faces, bc straight people don’t

2020-07-07 16:19:13 UTC  

@E Rob This is exactly why I don't like June.

2020-07-07 16:19:15 UTC  

Yeah I don’t care what you choose to do with your life or how you are. It’s your life not mine. Who am I to judge what you do with it?

2020-07-07 16:19:24 UTC  

Live and let live

2020-07-07 16:19:35 UTC  

Yeah my favorite people I know are gay people who are just lowkey gay and they don't go around being all blatant about it

2020-07-07 16:19:37 UTC  

I was told once that saying "what you do in your bedroom is your business, keep it in the bedroom" is homophobic.

2020-07-07 16:19:45 UTC  

they think sexual education is straight curriculum which is part of why they want lgbt curriculum

2020-07-07 16:19:58 UTC  

@Meryl.140.15 That's so wrong.

2020-07-07 16:20:08 UTC  

What about the straight people who participate in the parades too. Like gtfo. Stop encouraging that. Go work.

2020-07-07 16:20:14 UTC  

ive gotten into debates with people about that

2020-07-07 16:20:33 UTC  

Tbh as a Christian who 99% of the world would label as gay - I personally don't like labelling myself as I identify as a child of God, not someone who is based on what my brain is attracted to - it's hard to explain to people that not all people who struggle with same sex attraction want to be that way. It's so ironic that I'm called a homophobe simply because I think it's wrong. Straight up been told I must hate gay people and want them to all die.

2020-07-07 16:20:34 UTC  

That’s so upsetting

2020-07-07 16:20:56 UTC  

You can’t help who you like

2020-07-07 16:21:03 UTC  

It’s human nature to be attracted to humans

2020-07-07 16:21:04 UTC  

Nobody should be proud of their identity. Your identity should not define who you are as a person

2020-07-07 16:21:20 UTC  

actually the female pirates spinoff..isn't a spinoff, they're planning to make all the pirates female

2020-07-07 16:21:20 UTC  

my school sex ed was literally just learning about the difference between men and women and how pregnancy's come about and talked a little bout safe sex that was 15 years ago tho so idk maybe it's different now?

2020-07-07 16:21:35 UTC  

I am not proud of being a straight white male at all, because it is just something I have no control over

2020-07-07 16:21:39 UTC  

It’s probably different now so we don’t hurt peoples feelings

2020-07-07 16:21:41 UTC  

basically remaking the whole series of movies with women as the pirates

2020-07-07 16:21:44 UTC  

They're remaking Fast and the Furious with an all female cast apparently

2020-07-07 16:21:50 UTC  

My view is that it’s their issues to deal with not mine, so I just keep loving them as I would anyone else

2020-07-07 16:21:56 UTC  
2020-07-07 16:21:58 UTC  

lol it's....okay, I'm not going to poke fun at women drivers.

2020-07-07 16:22:03 UTC  

I will