Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 754059941832163500

2020-09-11 19:22:21 UTC  

Obama was a aweful president

2020-09-11 19:22:25 UTC  

the only thing that obama did well was give 65000 dollars to (some) pizza and hotdog company 👀

2020-09-11 19:22:35 UTC  


2020-09-11 19:22:41 UTC  

> Name the one thing Obama did that helped America
@the_undead_gamer Not making people angry.

2020-09-11 19:22:47 UTC  


2020-09-11 19:22:59 UTC  

> the only thing that obama did well was give 65000 dollars to (some) pizza and hotdog company 👀
Oh, so that's why he got the Nobel peace prize

2020-09-11 19:23:03 UTC  

Reasons Obama one: He was charismatic and knew how to make a nice speech and 2 because he was black... well mixed

2020-09-11 19:23:08 UTC  

They don't know that though

2020-09-11 19:23:25 UTC  

it's like the time ellen gave bill gates 10000 dollars

2020-09-11 19:23:30 UTC  

pedo ring

2020-09-11 19:23:41 UTC  

joan rivers said michelle obama was a man and died 2 weeks later

2020-09-11 19:23:50 UTC  


2020-09-11 19:23:55 UTC  

granted it's not very sound economics to keep forcing every one to pay for the terminally ill or the people with birth defects or self induced lethal crippling diseases and brain damage and such

2020-09-11 19:24:07 UTC  

@RumpleForeskinPatriarchyOverlord lmfao every one knew obama was mixed

2020-09-11 19:24:15 UTC  


2020-09-11 19:24:21 UTC  

mixed in race and sexual preference

2020-09-11 19:24:35 UTC  

I think trump just pissed of the big pharma companies and made medicine like that cheaper

2020-09-11 19:24:41 UTC  

not sure if thats true or not

2020-09-11 19:24:43 UTC  

My bad

2020-09-11 19:24:57 UTC  

Yh I think that was a dumb claim

2020-09-11 19:24:59 UTC  

kinda hard to show your mom at a meeting " hi this is my american born white mom, thus making me a legal citizen" i absolutely trashed every one in the birther movement

2020-09-11 19:25:33 UTC  

hawaii was annexed without a treaty

2020-09-11 19:25:43 UTC  

yeah he's making medicine cheaper, stopping big pharma from ripping people off

2020-09-11 19:25:59 UTC  

which is pissing people off because they make a shit ton of money that way

2020-09-11 19:26:07 UTC  

now granted he was a tri citizen ( ted cruz reference) he wasn't legal to be president until he gave up his british kenyan and indonesia sotoro citizenship

2020-09-11 19:26:08 UTC  

Thank you for agreeing with me @Meryl.140.15

2020-09-11 19:26:19 UTC  

big pharma's strength is giving people the cure temporarily, so they come back to pay more

2020-09-11 19:26:38 UTC  

things aren't all going to happen at once, like people want it to

2020-09-11 19:26:41 UTC  

baby steps

2020-09-11 19:26:54 UTC  

Its a baby step in the right direction

2020-09-11 19:27:03 UTC  

Better then other presidents

2020-09-11 19:27:15 UTC  

better than any president in my lifetime

2020-09-11 19:28:27 UTC  

was playin payday2 when some dude tried to join my game with the tag "ACAB"

2020-09-11 19:28:37 UTC  

booted him pretty much instantly

2020-09-11 19:28:47 UTC  

Whats acab mean ?

2020-09-11 19:28:49 UTC  

aye payday 2 is pretty sick

2020-09-11 19:29:02 UTC  

@Meryl.140.15 pharma companies get government subsidies to invent new medicines in attempts to find cures, companies get side tracked by finding other uses for drugs that didn't lead to cures but had curious side effects(viagra started out as a heart medication research) companies spend millions on research on new drugs, they have to recover those costs and because wall street owns their stocks they don't want to wait 50-100 years they want their profits right meow or they pull support and sell their stocks at a huge loss

2020-09-11 19:29:03 UTC  

@Buddyterrifico all cops are bastards

2020-09-11 19:29:04 UTC  

all cops are bastards

2020-09-11 19:29:07 UTC  

"all cops are bad"

2020-09-11 19:29:07 UTC  
