Message from @Buddyterrifico

Discord ID: 754090174102634536

2020-09-11 21:22:34 UTC  

Kids and women

2020-09-11 21:22:36 UTC  

I like that trump doesn’t cave in to stupid BS just cuz it’s “politically correct” just cuz the left said so

2020-09-11 21:22:43 UTC  

Loving sniffing them and groping them

2020-09-11 21:22:49 UTC  

may be a bit douchey, but a leader's job isnt to be super friendly and overly nice. He's America's leader... not "Dear" Leader...

2020-09-11 21:23:01 UTC  

Everything Trump has done shows he was the right pick, he said he would get things done, and look at that, he did the things he said he was gonna do

2020-09-11 21:23:01 UTC  

Dude my govenor just ordered yesterday that u must have a mask wherever u go

2020-09-11 21:23:07 UTC  

@Wardog trump has accomplished nothing until hillary goes to jail the obama administration gets hanged and the u.s. military gets deployed as a border wall

2020-09-11 21:23:08 UTC  

if you can't do 'em, sniff 'em

2020-09-11 21:23:32 UTC  

That's a bit extreme, but that might happen come second term

2020-09-11 21:23:37 UTC  

Trump got rid of the free trade agreement between america and canada and i still like him

2020-09-11 21:23:41 UTC  

Lol, I mean. Killary and Obama should definitely see the inside of a cell, but thatsa bit over the top.

2020-09-11 21:23:43 UTC  

Obamagate anyone

2020-09-11 21:23:53 UTC  


2020-09-11 21:23:53 UTC  

i'd be happy with 2 out of 3

2020-09-11 21:24:05 UTC  

Donald trump predicted what would happen he said we'll win and win and we'll win so much that u wont want us to win but we'll win anyway

2020-09-11 21:24:07 UTC  

I mean can we do a drone strike on Obama?

2020-09-11 21:24:16 UTC  

Make sure it's in a hospital

2020-09-11 21:24:27 UTC  

One of the only things I don't like Hillary not in jail

2020-09-11 21:24:29 UTC  

It would have to be in the Brennan report, and Trump would have to do it in his second term

2020-09-11 21:25:04 UTC  

The weird thing is no one points out trump is often much more respectful than the fake compassion of the left

2020-09-11 21:25:07 UTC  

Tell joe that obama was drone striking the childrens hospitals and joe would get angry with him

2020-09-11 21:25:12 UTC  

its hard to catch someone that dirty. I mean, we cant even keep a lot of rioters in fucking prison... trying to put a globalist lizard person in jail...?

2020-09-11 21:25:18 UTC  

Like when he debated Hilary Hilary was a complete bitch and trump was respectful

2020-09-11 21:25:34 UTC  

Dont you hate it when the left says that trump hasnt done anything 1 its a lie 2 u put a fricking impeachment trial on him

2020-09-11 21:25:41 UTC  

Trump is respectful to those that show him respect

2020-09-11 21:25:48 UTC  

Yeah not to mention anybody who goes against Hillary commits suicide

2020-09-11 21:25:57 UTC  

hes a business man. Respect is a two way street and he of all people know that to be a fact.

2020-09-11 21:26:07 UTC  

thats why North Korea sat down for peace talks with HIM and NO ONE ELSE.

2020-09-11 21:26:08 UTC  

Thats the difference between the left and right dissrespectful respectful

2020-09-11 21:26:11 UTC  

@SpaceDandyJoestarGG **gets shot in the head twice**

2020-09-11 21:26:12 UTC  

Kinda petty, but if you know that they will never show you respect, then you show them why they should

2020-09-11 21:26:21 UTC  

Timothy McVeigh was just throwing a gender reveal party. Change my mind.

2020-09-11 21:26:28 UTC  

The right is just fake compassion and manipulating the masses

2020-09-11 21:26:28 UTC  

I'm dead now

2020-09-11 21:26:48 UTC  

How so Venom

2020-09-11 21:26:53 UTC  

Plezse summon @john wayne

2020-09-11 21:26:55 UTC  


2020-09-11 21:27:00 UTC  

@Wardog if you like that the nazi party was hanged for war crimes against humanity there is absolutely no excuse to do the same to the entire obama adminstration for their part in freeing ISIS leadership from terrorist prisons, funding isis with our taxes, weaponizing isis , combat training isis, obamacaring isis and sending isis forth to over throw democratically elected goverments kill tens of tousands of civilians and kill americans here in america and all over the world, fuck that and fuck you if you think obama and his gang who participated in it shouldn't hang

2020-09-11 21:27:02 UTC  

@Split_beard (PS4) That was savage 😆

2020-09-11 21:27:12 UTC  
