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Does the left have any boundaries lel

Why don’t we play dirty like them

I mean I’m actually more left leaning myself but that doesn’t mean I think what the left does is ok. Why doesn’t the right play by their tactics

There’s crazy on both sides..but even as someone who has always leaned slightly left, I have to say the average liberal these days is just a clown of lies and feigning compassion while demonstrating the opposite


One of my Facebook “friends” posted this shit. Suffice to say they r now blocked

1300+ people died on 9/11 and this stupid bitch is saying we should instead be thinking of the destruction of cities and saying black lives matter when blacks aren’t being targeted by cops

Sorry, not 1300, 3000

This whole BLM shit is nothing but propaganda

Even if hypothetically cops were targeting blacks well like no shit, they do the majority of the crime. Add 1+1

Protesting WHAT

There is no fucking brutality against blacks. Comply with the cops and don’t break the law

What if the riots all started over a killing that proved to be not how the media portrayed it?

Watch the damn footage he was high on multiple drugs

97% of blacks are killed by other blacks. Wtf are they even protesting

They should be protesting their own dysfunctional culture

Bureau says 93% actually

Of justice statistics

The whole term black lives matter itself is loaded. Wtf does that even mean

If black lives matter then tell blacks to stop committing so much crime and comply with the cops. No one points out asian death rates by cops are lower than whites. Why? Less crime 🤦‍♂️ it’s like being in kindergarten having to explain this shit

The fact is that out of our idiotic “peaceful” protests is a lot of violence and destruction. Fuck of with your BS

They don’t even know what they’re protesting

Even if the protests are “peaceful” in terms of violenece, the entire message itself is destructive to society

I’m tired of this white hate shit

If black lives matter fix fucking black culture

The message is crap. Black lives matter. What does that even fucking mean. So sick of this stupid country and it’s propaganda

Blacks aren’t being targeted. Period

There is racism fucking everywhere

Yet our fucking idiotic country says only whites can be racist and blacks can’t be

Sick of this stupid shut


Black privilege is committing most of the crime then tossing the blame onto whites

Right it sounds he’s saying nothing

There’s never any real argument

Always with these people

And yet it’s still destructive even when it is “peaceful” it’s literally causing division out of NOTHING

This country has gone looney tunes. 10 years ago none of this insanity existed

Whenever in dating apps someone says “fuck trump” or something I always says “yeah I hate trump too. What’s the worst thing he’s done you think?”

And they don’t know anything theyre saying

If they are protesting police brutality why is it in the name of “black lives matter”

White privilege

All whites r so privileged

BLM is nothing but a socially acceptable way to say whites are privileged and at fault

The left is fucking crazy now and I say that as left leaning so nah

Idk if I’d always side with the right, but the current trend of today is more like left = you are silenced and forced to agree or you’re a bigot. Right = arguing with facts, logic, data and having an open discussion for a counter argument

Hasn’t there been more deaths from the riots than blacks killed by police brutality lmfao. This alone shows the disgrace of this propaganda. Literally creating more hate and division out of something inevitable! There will always be unjust deaths. That’s life. But the odds of that happening to you are like 1 in 10 million ffs

And even lower if you don’t do crime and comply

I keep seeing black people hate Candace but none of them are providing an argument for why??

Candace seems pretty intelligent to me but what do I know

The thing about Candace is you don’t have to agree with her on everything to understand she’s rational and coherent

I don’t agree with Candace on everything but she’s clearly real in that she doesn’t stoop to propaganda and shit to sell her viewpoint

She just has her views and she argues them

Still less disabled than Biden


My friend has 11 siblings

I’m 5’5

Who is 4’8

Yao Ming is 7’6

Your mom is amazon woman <:KEK:726877368601411624>

There was a Ukrainian or something weightlifter who was 4’10 and he lifted 420 pounds above his head


Asians may have the smallest dicks, but gotta admit they smarticles

Why is her last name grande

Should be minisculina

At least Ariana doesn’t need to get on her knees judging the gif

Do you guys know that women actually have proportionately longer torsos than men and men have longer legs. This blew my mind at first cuz men are always portrayed in art and stuff with tiny legs and short torso and women short small torso and lanky legs

That is the single creepiest sentence ever @AWOIII

I like that trump doesn’t cave in to stupid BS just cuz it’s “politically correct” just cuz the left said so

The weird thing is no one points out trump is often much more respectful than the fake compassion of the left

Like when he debated Hilary Hilary was a complete bitch and trump was respectful

The right is just fake compassion and manipulating the masses

What do u mean how so just look at people like Biden and Michele Obama pandering about compassion and ideals but they are just acting. All fake..

What do you mean evidence. Lmao just watch that idiotic video of Michele talking about BLM and kids being afraid for their lives

All while she acts like the country is in crisis


Personally I think it’s not fair for a raped woman to have to carry their rapists child and then birth it but I can see why even then ppl would argue against it

This is the only scenario I would say abortion is ok but if you say it can be ended with a pill then why not just do that

Then blame the man for raping her


Abortion is wrong but imagining having to carry a baby for 9 months when you didn’t want a baby and a man raped you that’s rough

How do you prove you were raped

We were meant to move like seals

Led Zeppelin is gud

But I haven’t listened to classic rock in like a decade


The weeknd sux

Do these athletes not realize they look like kindergarteners when they do this crap

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