Message from @PIDYN_ENFAWR

Discord ID: 767468429368098827

2020-10-18 19:23:20 UTC  

My history teacher was pretty liberal but never expressed her political beliefs in class

2020-10-18 19:23:25 UTC  


2020-10-18 19:23:29 UTC  

Which I loved

2020-10-18 19:23:35 UTC  


2020-10-18 19:23:43 UTC  

I seriously don’t get how a history teacher can be democrat

2020-10-18 19:23:50 UTC  


2020-10-18 19:23:54 UTC  

Must not be that great of a history teacher

2020-10-18 19:23:55 UTC  

I think my science teacher is pretty conservative

2020-10-18 19:24:03 UTC  

@JJ04 Honestly they shouldn't, just like they aren't supposed to promote any religion

2020-10-18 19:24:05 UTC  

My freshman english teacher made us watch a 5 minute video of Mr. Trump saying ''billion''

2020-10-18 19:24:13 UTC  

He’s bashed a lot of democratic politicians

2020-10-18 19:24:14 UTC  


2020-10-18 19:24:29 UTC  

He was a good guy but that was kinda weird

2020-10-18 19:24:32 UTC  

It’s cool tho, since my school is somewhat conservative

2020-10-18 19:24:35 UTC  

He moved to Chile to teacg english

2020-10-18 19:24:40 UTC  

Lucky mofo

2020-10-18 19:24:53 UTC  

bruh chile gang

2020-10-18 19:25:00 UTC  


2020-10-18 19:25:19 UTC  

the girls in my class were talking about trump and this is how i know my generation is fucked

2020-10-18 19:25:25 UTC  

so im not looking for congratulations, but please hear me out. When a POC graduates, they can get a special stole for their regalia. How fucking racist is it that when i get my Master's i cant get a single stole and they are decked tf out

2020-10-18 19:25:32 UTC  

ha NA champ

2020-10-18 19:25:34 UTC  

one of them started saying the classic leftist labels

2020-10-18 19:25:37 UTC  

she went

2020-10-18 19:25:48 UTC  

I love listening to how dumb people are

2020-10-18 19:25:49 UTC  

Eu alpha

2020-10-18 19:26:00 UTC  

trump is racist homophobic transphobic and LISTED LIKE 10 LABELS IN ONE BREATH

2020-10-18 19:26:01 UTC  

Africa ready your batty

2020-10-18 19:26:06 UTC  


2020-10-18 19:26:09 UTC  

cause populism is on the rise

2020-10-18 19:26:17 UTC  

We live in a time where you're guilty until proven innocent

2020-10-18 19:26:23 UTC  

It’s sad

2020-10-18 19:26:28 UTC  

I feel sorry for my kids and kids in general

2020-10-18 19:26:31 UTC  

here its innocent untill proven guilty

2020-10-18 19:26:35 UTC  

I love Fleccas' bit where he tries to get people to admit that Trump "isn't that bad"

2020-10-18 19:26:36 UTC  

But the sentencing is super shit

2020-10-18 19:26:40 UTC  

and then one of them said "YEAH HES CONSERVATIVE!" Like what has that to do with anything. Noone teaches these chicks anything about politics

2020-10-18 19:26:43 UTC  

But like "believe all women"

2020-10-18 19:26:46 UTC  

oh god

2020-10-18 19:27:07 UTC  

imagine being so dense and thinking ALL conservatives are racist

2020-10-18 19:27:09 UTC  

how pathetic. Believe all women

2020-10-18 19:27:12 UTC  

Oh, so some shady bitch wouldn't sue the hell out of you to get your money and destroy your life in the process...