Message from @AntonioD Comics&illustrations

Discord ID: 609653250320367627

2019-08-10 07:35:21 UTC  

Like “so these are the men I am gonna fuck with”...

2019-08-10 07:36:01 UTC  

They had a set number of people that were supposed to be on the panel and everything

2019-08-10 07:36:16 UTC  

They subvert their own movement, it’s delicious

2019-08-10 07:36:37 UTC  

I think the founding fathers would be so ashamed of what happened to America

2019-08-10 07:37:30 UTC  

I guess that retard convention is still OK under f<:ree:480188470942498827> speech
But meh

2019-08-10 07:37:56 UTC  

So much genetic waste in one building

2019-08-10 07:38:01 UTC  

"please no whispering, it is triggering me!!!!"

2019-08-10 07:38:39 UTC  

@Nawalter Jizney that's really my hope, that the left starts disintegrating

2019-08-10 07:38:46 UTC  

We should encourage that

2019-08-10 07:38:50 UTC  

it wont

2019-08-10 07:39:12 UTC  

all of the globalists are supporting anything that drinks soy

2019-08-10 07:39:26 UTC  

The more they rely on identity politics, the more vulnerable they are

2019-08-10 07:40:04 UTC  

Conker have you seen it? It’s a sea of lulz

2019-08-10 07:40:44 UTC  

Is this the democratic socialists of America?

2019-08-10 07:40:46 UTC  

Hollywood ain’t got shit on this

2019-08-10 07:40:58 UTC  


2019-08-10 07:40:59 UTC  

I haven't seen the full video
Just the pjw video I posted a while ago...

2019-08-10 07:41:29 UTC  

I’ve posted it like 3 times it’s a laugh and a half

2019-08-10 07:42:53 UTC  

God is not happy

2019-08-10 07:43:14 UTC  

Definitely not 😂

2019-08-10 07:44:21 UTC  

I mean, whoever got into that room by accident with even one point of testosterone above the zero, would have been gang raped by all the females in there.

2019-08-10 07:44:53 UTC  

Contextual alpha starter pack.

2019-08-10 07:45:05 UTC  


2019-08-10 07:46:39 UTC  

That's the trick, they inject soy into everyone who enters that room, so all traces of testosterone are gone and it's "safe"

2019-08-10 07:47:36 UTC  

Also... I don't know if a "man" even wanted the females there in the first place
*higly doubt it *

2019-08-10 07:47:52 UTC  

if you can even call those things females

2019-08-10 07:49:12 UTC  

That’s why it is called rape. It’s not consensual. lol

2019-08-10 07:49:56 UTC  

I'm not religious,
but if you look at these retards and the dems in general, especially that 4 gang, including aoc and Pelosi...
I may agree that the devil and demons exist 😬

2019-08-10 07:52:24 UTC  

Evil exists

2019-08-10 07:52:33 UTC  

Demons are what some religions portray evil as

2019-08-10 07:52:56 UTC  

This world is filled with Evil and somehow that Evil got to the very top of the Pyramid

2019-08-10 07:54:24 UTC  

Definitely evil exists.

2019-08-10 07:55:08 UTC  

and if we can see something in history it's that evil can't be removed by any peaceful ways

2019-08-10 07:55:22 UTC  

It’s an extreme of the human soul and mind’s spectrum.

2019-08-10 07:55:56 UTC  

I am positive that we have the means to subjugate it in a relatively peaceful way.

2019-08-10 07:56:49 UTC  

The right wing of the world must take the cultural grounds over.

2019-08-10 07:57:03 UTC  

Culture war is real.

2019-08-10 07:57:37 UTC  

For too much time leftist intellectuals have had easy game and monopoly over it.

2019-08-10 07:58:17 UTC  

If you want to bring the masses by your side, you have to control the tools to educate them.

2019-08-10 07:59:29 UTC  

It’s 70 goddamn years the left holds those tools tight. Time to strip those away and bring order to chaos.

2019-08-10 07:59:42 UTC  

We are still in time to do it peacefully.