Message from @Arkayde

Discord ID: 768346679904043008

2020-10-21 05:31:57 UTC  

I believe the deletion of Portland is in America's interest

2020-10-21 05:31:58 UTC  

If it has Trump in the name I'm voting for them lol

2020-10-21 05:32:16 UTC  

I just absolutely love Trump best president ever

2020-10-21 05:32:24 UTC  

I don’t think Ivanka would be wise.. I respect the woman but she is very liberal

2020-10-21 05:32:52 UTC  

Personally I don't like political dynasties

2020-10-21 05:33:04 UTC  

I don't know much about Ivanka but I like Don Jr.

2020-10-21 05:33:06 UTC  

Rather see a variety of surnames

2020-10-21 05:33:09 UTC  

Nah, she is an okay conservative. If she does plan on running, I would like to see what her ideas would be.

2020-10-21 05:33:24 UTC  

A very popular suggestion is Mike Pence for 2024.

2020-10-21 05:33:47 UTC  

I don't like political dynasties as well but the left is disgusting

2020-10-21 05:33:55 UTC  

Pence is great.. I’d like to see him as president

2020-10-21 05:34:09 UTC  

And I'd trust a ham sandwich before I trust dems

2020-10-21 05:34:16 UTC  

Imagine how mad liberals would be if Ivanka was the first female potus

2020-10-21 05:34:42 UTC  

> And I'd trust a ham sandwich before I trust dems
@SpaceDandyJoestarGG Amen 😆

2020-10-21 05:34:43 UTC  

I'd trust a old moldy sandwich with my life than Democrats lol

2020-10-21 05:34:46 UTC  

Kayleigh McEnany would also be something to see

2020-10-21 05:34:52 UTC  

There are also some well known people who are also suggested to be running for 2024 including: Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Josh Hawley, and Mike Pompeo.

2020-10-21 05:35:02 UTC  

They'd be like
"She doesn't count "

2020-10-21 05:35:16 UTC  

Yeah, right

2020-10-21 05:35:22 UTC  

Ted cruz is probably the best one I like out of that list

2020-10-21 05:35:23 UTC  

Pence definitely handles debate well, but I'm not sure how well he would hold up to the media barrage if he actually ran. That's why we needed Trump in the first place. He's gotta be the only man on the planet equipped to deal with that bullshit.

2020-10-21 05:35:42 UTC  

Pence straight destroyed Kamala

2020-10-21 05:35:46 UTC  


2020-10-21 05:35:52 UTC  

That was amazing to watch

2020-10-21 05:36:00 UTC  

I like Tom Cotton because he is the STRONGEST core conservative out of all of them but I don't think he can win an election.

2020-10-21 05:36:24 UTC  

I heard of his name but I gotta do more research on him

2020-10-21 05:36:26 UTC  

I like Dan Crenshaw

2020-10-21 05:36:48 UTC  

I don't know much about tom cotton

2020-10-21 05:36:57 UTC  

Dan Crenshaw is also another name but he seems to support alot of gun control.

2020-10-21 05:37:42 UTC  

I need to look into these names.. cause I’m clueless to the majority.

2020-10-21 05:37:44 UTC  

Should buy a tank while there's still time

2020-10-21 05:38:33 UTC  

If only he were a marine... then maybe he'd be less liberal but he's a seal well ladeeda how fancy.

2020-10-21 05:38:35 UTC  

Owning a tank would be so awesome

2020-10-21 05:38:38 UTC  

We could also see some of the past candidates try to run for 2024 like Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, and John Kasich.

2020-10-21 05:38:48 UTC  


2020-10-21 05:38:51 UTC  


2020-10-21 05:38:57 UTC  

Haha lol.

2020-10-21 05:39:05 UTC  

Hopefully Hillary Clinton is dead by then 🧐

2020-10-21 05:39:08 UTC  

I think Romney and Kasich are toast

2020-10-21 05:39:14 UTC  


2020-10-21 05:39:14 UTC  

I should put these guys down on a list.