Message from @Happy Humble Hermit

Discord ID: 610521455322726409

2019-08-12 16:37:29 UTC  

Ah man, i never have been able to get into TFM's server...I always arrive too late to get the invite link. Lol.
But thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. I guess i'll just go to the online service thing.

2019-08-12 16:39:16 UTC  

I think it's also pretty stupid, that he cycles the invite link ... man that's SO much work

2019-08-12 16:39:21 UTC  

idk why he's doing it ...

2019-08-12 16:39:32 UTC  

on the other hand it may prevent random retards from joining

2019-08-12 16:41:46 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 what question are you trying to get answered? Phil is pretty cool with answering questions as long as you're not spamming and harassing him

2019-08-12 16:45:42 UTC

2019-08-12 16:45:52 UTC  

I was wanting to know 2 main things, firstly: How much would it cost to get a TPE insert for a doll in total plus shipping/taxes? And second, what sort of process does he think is best to transfer cash bills into digital format for the purchase that has the least loss due to transaction fees. Privacy is also good, but i am more worried of loosing so much money i can't make the purchase. Lol. I am broke at present so i prefer to not loose too much money. Thinking of this like a late birthday gift for myself.
Also a bonus question, once i have the insert. What sort of lubricants should i avoid and/or not use due to possibly damaging the material? I got some clue on that, but asking the man himself would be better than a guess to me.

2019-08-12 16:46:07 UTC  

And thanks HHH, love your videos. 😃

2019-08-12 16:46:38 UTC  

Also i live in the USA, if he needs to know what country i'm in.

2019-08-12 16:49:45 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 no prob man, have a series of scripted videos coming soon. The doll comes in an unmarked package and is very secure. Only use water based lubricants, you can find them in walmart or anywhere that sells condoms or on amazon. I would not recommend buying a doll if you're broke, it's going to come out to like 3k. You can get the cheaper doll legs, you can get a mini "hobbit" torso or you can get the excellent spinning robot pussy, I am going to try and put out a quick review of that soon, maybe this week if I can. That is $60 ish and is the best orgasm I've ever had. Put some porn on or cheap phone vr or invest in a dedicated vr system and you're good. And you can combine replika with any of these options.

2019-08-12 16:55:55 UTC  

Oh okay thanks, i'll bear that in mind. I was wanting to purchase just the insert on the site, which from the looks is similar to a Fleshlight. I figured i could dip my toes in just buying that part first to figure it out. Plus it'll give me some clue next time i purchase from the site itself. I got 30 bucks on me, the price listing said 13 i think. But i would like to know the total likely cost so i can get an idea of whether or not it's in range of my 30 bucks. Lol. Likely a little of an odd strategy to some, but i figured it's best for me. Given the insert will reflect how the doll feels when i finally saved enough to get one someday, as it's the same part. And 30 bucks is less of a loss than 3K like you said. So, yeah. Probably will be happy with the doll i get though when i get it, but this will at least help me understand what i'm doing better.

2019-08-12 16:58:47 UTC  

Also looking forward to the vids, wanted to say that separate from that message @Happy Humble Hermit. I haven't been to your channel in a bit, but that's how i tend to operate. I'll be gone from a channel for awhile, then boom. Binge watch multiple videos from that person. haha. XD

2019-08-12 17:00:27 UTC  

But yeah, that's the situation i'm in with ordering this. I didn't know if coming here or trying to figure out how to get to customer service on the site was best, the thought crossed my mind. But i didn't know if a bot could answer my question if i got stuck with a bot. As it's a fairly weird question, i think.

2019-08-12 17:05:02 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 this server has the 18+ warning before entering, how old are you? If you dont have more than $30 to spare you need to be focusing on other things

2019-08-12 17:06:26 UTC  

Eh, good point. 22 at present, and yeah. You right, i should be. But i figured, eh screw it. Why not?

2019-08-12 17:06:56 UTC  

because you're 22 and you only have $30

2019-08-12 17:08:45 UTC  

Haha, i guess that's a good way to put it.
Health sucks, can't find work. Been trying to get disability but doing that alone practically is difficult. I'm pretty boned, but i'm trying to ink out something before i die. Lol.

2019-08-12 17:10:05 UTC  

Go get a job before a doll

2019-08-12 17:10:25 UTC  

Keep applying

2019-08-12 17:13:36 UTC  

Problem is i'm unemployable. Health problems i got are bad enough that no sane boss would higher me.(Plus i qualify for disability according to their own standards...But they love to just dick with people.)
And that's what i'm trying to do, but appealing is difficult given walking out in the sun can kill me. And they only open during day, plus i'm looking at surgery again soon. Among other things, life's pretty chaotic and i can't stomp everything down. I just figured i could at least do this, kinda a teaser if i manage to lock my stuff down. Sort a speak.

2019-08-12 17:14:17 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 never be a victim. I'm 23, I dont have disabilities sure but I'm also ambitious for my age because I dont entertain any notion of victim hood. Take control of your destiny

2019-08-12 17:15:03 UTC  

There has to be a way to mitigate the effects the sun has. Hats, sunscreen, hoodies etc?

2019-08-12 17:16:46 UTC  

I agree, yes. And cool. I didn't know your age was that close to mine. @Happy Humble Hermit. I've been trying to do that, and hope to do more. But i am also being realistic, i won't go beyond what i can physically do. Because that will kill me, so i gotta adhere to what i can. And work on that, unfortunately this means i'm gonna have a hard fight to go through it seems. But i haven't given up entirely yet. Haha.

2019-08-12 17:17:02 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 You got this Pat!

2019-08-12 17:20:19 UTC  

@YuriBezmenov, that's hardly the only thing. But it's one of them, and while clothing choices and masks will slow it down. It won't stop it, only buys me time before i go into full on shock and die. Plus my skin seems to be falling apart now when exposed, too. Something that didn't happen nearly as severely as it used to, which means it's getting worse coupled with other symptoms. Planning to go to the allergy specialist i go to so we can talk about what this all means. But the clinic is 2 counties away, which is a 2 hour trip just getting there. So difficult to get there, had to put my GI tract issues first given that's likely gonna end me sooner. But hey, i'm working on it. One nail at a time. Haha.

On top of the sun issue, i have many other health problems. Some actively trying to off me, others are just making my life hell. But i'm using my will to try and push through it. Hopefully, it pays off.

2019-08-12 17:20:44 UTC  

There's online freelancing jobs you can look for

2019-08-12 17:21:50 UTC  

but if you are disabled i do think you should seek out whatever help you can

2019-08-12 17:21:50 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 I spent the majority of my time indoors and I dont have any disabilities, you can make plenty of income indoors. Even if it's not an online business or service, you could do online teaching and tutoring from the comfort of your home and make money. Gotta think outside the box

2019-08-12 17:22:25 UTC  

are not office jobs indoors mostly?

2019-08-12 17:22:34 UTC  

There are some call center setups that allow for in home working, or get office jobs.

2019-08-12 17:22:48 UTC  

you can use black screens to block out the sun while your traveling in car

2019-08-12 17:22:49 UTC  

@The-Free-Monk offices are indoors so yes they are mostly indoors <:fridge:590694993950146566>

2019-08-12 17:24:57 UTC  


2019-08-12 17:26:06 UTC  

dude do i smell like cheetos

2019-08-12 17:26:13 UTC  

I thought about indoor jobs, freelance ect. But the main problem is stability, financial stability is key here. And if i don't have that i am dead in the water. As i can't get by as easily solo as most due to my health, so it's gonna hit me harder. The disability is basically there to keep me alive, i hope to do something to earn extra money that's not livable wages. But something to ease my life later if possible. As i simply can't work a livable wage.
I am disabled and so am trying to get as much a leg up as possible, i got 3 types of seizures apparently too.(According to my doctor, i'm showing symptoms of focals, and myoclonic. Already got PNES.) One of which can incapacitate me for a whole day. Lol.

2019-08-12 17:27:16 UTC  

well nobody here is a professional, so we aren't really qualified to give good useful advice

2019-08-12 17:27:17 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 nigga nothing is key in your situation when you have $30, you are in no room to be picky go get a job at mcdonalds to motivate your ass to do better

2019-08-12 17:28:09 UTC  

So i just had to explain to a teen why people hate communism

2019-08-12 17:28:16 UTC  

@PatrickLux666 are you not on any welfare?

2019-08-12 17:31:00 UTC

2019-08-12 17:35:04 UTC  

God damn do i hate simps raising girls, that is how this cancer gets spread