Message from @el_deffo
Discord ID: 769097918396891136
Whos for trump bere
And whos for sleepy no good fucking biden
i have a crazy thought that cali might turn red
Trump 2020 🇺🇸
I'm for charging my phone
> Trump 2020 🇺🇸
> i have a crazy thought that cali might turn red
@Meryl.140.15 very possible, as most of the blue left
Crazy indeed, but day.
Good no biden supporters thats the way i like it
Everyone single one of em, except, maybe wisconsin, NY, the Pacific coast states not including oregon, nevada, and delaware @Rocci
Trump is gonna have a landslide win
Callin it rn
If I were American and could vote, I'd definitely vote for Trump
Most women have the same voice
Actions speak louder than words
> Good no biden supporters thats the way i like it
@THINBLUELINEUSA There is no such thing as a “Biden supporter” they’re just anti-Trump
Lmfao true
Vote in hate
Thats what anti trump people do
> @THINBLUELINEUSA There is no such thing as a “Biden supporter” they’re just anti-Trump
@Al <3 Literally the reason my mom and brother voted for him lol.
> @Al <3 Literally the reason my mom and brother voted for him lol.
@Psychotics And my grandparents..
If ur anti Trump you're anti U.S of A
Why do they hate Trump so much?
What did Trump actually do?
@LuckyPuffy short answer cuz they're lazy uneducated morons
> If ur anti Trump you're anti U.S of A
@TigBiddyBF damn right
Because he says what we're all thinking.
He just said some things once upon a time, holy shit
@Rocci that's how I see it playing out
HELL YEAH OHIO and Kentucky!!!
I said this is gonna be Regan 2.0
Even Michigan is red now
Lets gooo maine!!!
For some reason, Wisconsin flipped from red to blue...