Discord ID: 769772911232942111

2020-10-25 04:01:57 UTC  

What the hell am i even doing

2020-10-25 04:01:59 UTC  

> Can we have a "ugh troll" emoji?
@dastenhero I second this 😂

2020-10-25 04:02:04 UTC  

wdym what the hell are you doing

2020-10-25 04:02:08 UTC  

Your acting like im doing something

2020-10-25 04:02:09 UTC  

you know what you're fucking doin

2020-10-25 04:02:12 UTC  

Im not even saying a thing here man

2020-10-25 04:02:14 UTC  


2020-10-25 04:02:19 UTC  

Yeah like
He wasn't doing anything at the moment

2020-10-25 04:02:20 UTC  

you've been fucking doing this shit

2020-10-25 04:02:21 UTC  

You're part of the movement childish

2020-10-25 04:02:23 UTC  

since i've been her

2020-10-25 04:02:23 UTC  

> Abortion is Murder
@THINBLUELINEUSA i mean yeah it is murder but i only support it when a women gets raped, but i mean she can use pills so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2020-10-25 04:02:24 UTC  

@Rossme alright, hes not talking why are you yelling at him

2020-10-25 04:02:28 UTC  

We will be in the history books

2020-10-25 04:02:30 UTC  

he's dming me shit

2020-10-25 04:02:32 UTC  

You are accusing me of crap that I never did

2020-10-25 04:02:35 UTC  

ah Dming

2020-10-25 04:02:36 UTC  

We are the zeducators

2020-10-25 04:02:38 UTC  

leemme see

2020-10-25 04:02:41 UTC  


2020-10-25 04:02:43 UTC  

about it dont actually show me the DM

2020-10-25 04:02:44 UTC  


2020-10-25 04:02:59 UTC  

Hes posting random images

2020-10-25 04:03:14 UTC  

Can someone yeet Evil Hag?

2020-10-25 04:03:19 UTC

2020-10-25 04:03:30 UTC  

What do you guy... oops

2020-10-25 04:03:37 UTC  

Wrong image

2020-10-25 04:03:45 UTC  


2020-10-25 04:03:47 UTC  


2020-10-25 04:03:47 UTC  

it's okay accidents happen

2020-10-25 04:03:48 UTC  


2020-10-25 04:04:08 UTC  

Your honor I plead oopsie daises

2020-10-25 04:04:20 UTC  

Yk at this point i believe leftists get pregnant on purpose and have abortions so that they can brag about it to their *sis's*

2020-10-25 04:04:27 UTC  

I don't like the idea of abortions

2020-10-25 04:04:30 UTC  

Since you guys like that image I have one more

2020-10-25 04:04:31 UTC  

what is unkown race

2020-10-25 04:04:31 UTC  

That’s disturbing

2020-10-25 04:04:59 UTC  

Yeah that is actually true

2020-10-25 04:05:14 UTC  

Wait nvm I don't want to share stats that I'm unsure are true

2020-10-25 04:05:31 UTC  

> more black people kill white people than white people kill black people
@minecraftgamer420 *tHaTs bEcAuSe wHiTes ArE tHe mAjOriTy* REEEEEEEE

2020-10-25 04:05:36 UTC  

Why do black people commit more crimes than white peopke