Message from @米饭和面条

Discord ID: 772003603753074711

2020-10-31 07:39:43 UTC  

Because that's what liberalism (or at least classical liberalism) believes in.

2020-10-31 07:39:59 UTC  

Tell me what you believe in. 🙂

2020-10-31 07:40:19 UTC  

Classical liberalism.

2020-10-31 07:40:37 UTC  

Where do you break away from modern liberals?

2020-10-31 07:40:47 UTC  

Define a modern liberal.

2020-10-31 07:41:17 UTC  

That's what I'm asking you to do lol.

2020-10-31 07:41:30 UTC  

I could make dying whale noises and that would define a modern liberal

2020-10-31 07:41:35 UTC  


2020-10-31 07:42:00 UTC  

The term "modern liberal" makes no sense to me. Are you defining liberalism in the modern era or are you describing a liberal who lives in the modern era?

2020-10-31 07:42:21 UTC  

With the first characterization it should be pretty easy to define "modern liberalism".

2020-10-31 07:42:52 UTC  

In my opinion everything else is a symptom of 3 causes that divide liberals and conservatives: absolute vs relative truth, altruism vs virtue signaling, personal responsibility vs identity politics.

2020-10-31 07:43:17 UTC  

I've never heard of that definition for a liberal. And what you're describing seems to be more of conservative vs sjw.

2020-10-31 07:43:59 UTC  


2020-10-31 07:43:59 UTC  

Yes well they call themselves social Justice Warriors but they don't really do Justice that well

2020-10-31 07:44:05 UTC  

It seems that way, which is why I say more and more democrats I've talked to seem to be leaning center instead of left, because the LOUD left is all we hear, and they're insane.

2020-10-31 07:44:51 UTC  

SJWs are, by principle, antithetical to liberalism. Liberals believe in tolerance, (usually) free market capitalism, liberty, the right to free speech, consent of the governed and equality under the law.

2020-10-31 07:45:30 UTC  

I believe SJW's believe that, I don't believe they actually accomplish that.

2020-10-31 07:45:46 UTC  

I feel like you have the right to say whatever you want to but if a bunch of people get mad at you for saying it that's kind of on you

2020-10-31 07:45:57 UTC  

ehhh, it's kind of hard to figure out what SJWs believe in

2020-10-31 07:46:25 UTC  

I believe SJW's and the FAR left are all hypocrites, just the same as the FAR right are hypocrites.

2020-10-31 07:46:42 UTC  

Horseshoe theory pog.

2020-10-31 07:47:13 UTC  

They call everyone bigots, while being bigots. They silence free speech while protesting for free speech. They call people racist while focusing solely on people's race. etc.

2020-10-31 07:47:40 UTC  

I feel like 90% of people fall somewhere between the crazies.

2020-10-31 07:47:52 UTC  


2020-10-31 07:47:56 UTC  

They act like it's still the 1950s when people would be denied service based on the color of their skin spoiler alert it's 70 years later and very few people like that exist nowadays

2020-10-31 07:48:30 UTC  

I say very few because you know there's still 1 or 2 people like that

2020-10-31 07:48:55 UTC  

Yeah, the statistics and evidence for it is really fucking wacky.

2020-10-31 07:49:26 UTC  

I debate with lefties a lot and they have a decent amount of statistics to back up their arguments but I don't have the time or energy to read through them and really think about it.

2020-10-31 07:49:38 UTC  

Fair enough

2020-10-31 07:49:45 UTC  

I will say though, the justice system targeting blacks for being black sounds retarded.

2020-10-31 07:49:54 UTC  

I totally agree.

2020-10-31 07:50:35 UTC  

And in general, the justice system targeting men for being men is retarded.

2020-10-31 07:50:43 UTC  

I can guarantee if a white guy went out in public and got beaten and killed by a cop nobody would give a damn

2020-10-31 07:51:21 UTC  

^ This has been video recorded and it's true, no one cared. Exact same case as George Floyd except the victim wasn't as much of a criminal.

2020-10-31 07:52:09 UTC  

apparently the word "uppity" is racist

2020-10-31 07:52:12 UTC  

there's some evidence to suggest the justice system is slanted unfairly against men in the family courts but I doubt the people in it are that stupid

2020-10-31 07:52:13 UTC  

I just was told so

2020-10-31 07:52:24 UTC  

They stir up a bunch of controversy On news channels and social media you have to wonder if they're trying to start a second Civil War

2020-10-31 07:52:51 UTC  

Let's back up to the justice system being targeted toward the black poppulation.

2020-10-31 07:53:25 UTC  

From my research, it's the democrats who put laws into place to make that happen. Albeit, republicans still had to agree to vote in the policy.

2020-10-31 07:53:46 UTC  

In my mind, the disparities in the justice system have more to do with socio economic status than anything related to race.