Message from @dastenhero

Discord ID: 772016383855820830

2020-10-31 08:34:54 UTC  

well turtle soup anyone? 🥣

2020-10-31 08:34:57 UTC  

They were enormous, and extremely dangerous.

2020-10-31 08:35:08 UTC  

*Dog sounds as Fifi is dragged off by a snapping turtle*

2020-10-31 08:35:09 UTC  

They can grow to 6’

2020-10-31 08:35:22 UTC  

and they breed that quickly huh?

2020-10-31 08:35:34 UTC  

I think they spent a long time breeding and all came out at once.

2020-10-31 08:35:36 UTC  

I hate that

2020-10-31 08:35:43 UTC  

ah ok

2020-10-31 08:35:53 UTC  

Their heads can stay animated for long periods of time too

2020-10-31 08:35:53 UTC  

But yeah, snapper soup was a thing for a while, and it wasn't half bad.

2020-10-31 08:36:02 UTC  

haha ok

2020-10-31 08:36:11 UTC  

My (grandfather?) Once killed one that had a head that kept snapping for literal hours

2020-10-31 08:36:18 UTC  


2020-10-31 08:36:26 UTC  

well we are the human race, we've killed things off before and we can do it again!

2020-10-31 08:36:32 UTC  

here here!

2020-10-31 08:36:47 UTC  

It was still looking around and snapping late in the afternoon. That story always gave me the creeps as a kid

2020-10-31 08:36:57 UTC  

Like it apparently watched them make it into a soup

2020-10-31 08:37:07 UTC  

Granted, this is my dad's story but

2020-10-31 08:37:07 UTC  


2020-10-31 08:37:28 UTC  

Anyone else handing out sugarless gummy bears today

2020-10-31 08:37:29 UTC  

(My dad has been known to exaggerate)

2020-10-31 08:37:44 UTC  

Same with snakes. Even after death, the muscle reaction to snap at whatever touches them is still there. Watched a dead snake moving for over an hour, and every time we poked it, it would snap. Which was difficult since we shot the head off.

2020-10-31 08:38:23 UTC  

I can verify that dogs don't do the same.

2020-10-31 08:38:38 UTC  

My family poodle of 16 years.....oh my goodness.....

2020-10-31 08:38:39 UTC  

how can you verify this? please elaborate

2020-10-31 08:39:15 UTC  

We had to put him down. He couldn't breathe. He was panting and panting night after night, his lungs were just done. Drove him out to the desert. Normally when you put him down, he'd scratch at you to carry him again.

2020-10-31 08:39:29 UTC  

This time, we put him down on a dune, moonlight and stars and everything, and he just sat there staring out.

2020-10-31 08:39:43 UTC  

Like he knew it was his time. And he quit panting and wheezing. He just sat there.

2020-10-31 08:40:06 UTC  

So a $0.80 shot of .380 later, he was gone.

2020-10-31 08:40:14 UTC  

Much cheeper than the $100 to put him down at the vet.

2020-10-31 08:40:23 UTC  

that's true

2020-10-31 08:40:27 UTC  

We buried him on his bed. He was a good dog. An asshole, but a good dog.

2020-10-31 08:40:43 UTC  

Guys I looked up the snapping turtle thing?
My dad wasn't making it up

2020-10-31 08:40:52 UTC  

lol show us

2020-10-31 08:41:05 UTC  

According to Reddit, it can take like
Five hours for the snapping to stop

2020-10-31 08:41:19 UTC  

amazing how that works

2020-10-31 08:41:20 UTC

2020-10-31 08:41:28 UTC  


2020-10-31 08:41:29 UTC  

(my phone has no auto cropping thing)

2020-10-31 08:41:32 UTC  

This is quite disturbing lol

2020-10-31 08:41:37 UTC  

Yeah, no lie