Message from @mikeflarkin

Discord ID: 773608130965274625

2020-11-04 18:00:24 UTC  

is it even legal to force trump to pay for a recount if the original count was fraudulent?

2020-11-04 18:00:26 UTC  

ballots: Sharpies: Ballots: understandable, have a nice day

2020-11-04 18:00:38 UTC  

How are things looking?

2020-11-04 18:00:44 UTC  

dont give up usa

2020-11-04 18:00:57 UTC  

Data Orbital estimates that Trump is inline to win AZ!

2020-11-04 18:01:21 UTC  

PA still with Trump

2020-11-04 18:01:27 UTC  

Wtf fraud with sharpies

2020-11-04 18:01:32 UTC  


2020-11-04 18:01:38 UTC  


2020-11-04 18:01:44 UTC  

PA loves their fracking

2020-11-04 18:01:44 UTC  

You guys seeing this ? On crowder

2020-11-04 18:01:45 UTC  

what websites should I be looking for voting counts?

2020-11-04 18:01:46 UTC  

Pa needs to find ballots of 500k dead people to win for biden

2020-11-04 18:01:47 UTC  

I’m sneaking on here quickly while at work. Update?

2020-11-04 18:01:51 UTC  

> Sharpies- Hi
> Pen- Hi how’s it go- (slap)
> Sharpies- Bye
People holding pens- lets go VOTE!
pollin folks-
People holding pens- oh hey! Trying to put my vo-
Pollin folks- *snatches pen* ...use a sharpie.
People that were holding pens- "uh... Oh... Ok...

Does anyone know where theyre at...?"

2020-11-04 18:02:00 UTC  
2020-11-04 18:02:01 UTC  

So guys have you heard that there’s voter fraud in Wisconsin? There’s more votes than registered voters.

2020-11-04 18:02:02 UTC  

@oitsuki I am watching crowder right now. What is up?

2020-11-04 18:02:04 UTC  

Math- 1 + 2 = 3 and 3 > 2
Joe Biden- 1 + 2 = 3 and 3 < 2
Political Media- BREAKING NEWS: A cat got stuck in a tree today

2020-11-04 18:02:13 UTC  

If Biden wins, I'm becoming an atheist.

2020-11-04 18:02:31 UTC  

That's a terrible reason to become an atheist.

2020-11-04 18:02:35 UTC  


2020-11-04 18:02:35 UTC  

If he wins,we are efffffed

2020-11-04 18:02:47 UTC  

If he wins we know there’s widespread voter fraud

2020-11-04 18:02:49 UTC  


2020-11-04 18:02:52 UTC  

We’re gonna be Venezuela

2020-11-04 18:02:52 UTC  

if biden wins, im telling my crush i like him

2020-11-04 18:02:57 UTC  

If he wins, odds are your daily life won't change that much.

2020-11-04 18:03:03 UTC  

- Wisconsin suddenly finds 100,000+ votes that are 100% for Biden.
- Michigan suddenly finds 130,000+ votes that are 100% for Biden.
- Northern Virginia (Fairfax county) election worker "erroneously" adds 100,000 to

2020-11-04 18:03:05 UTC  

You should do that either way Sai

2020-11-04 18:03:10 UTC  

Well its not even gonna be a Biden admin

2020-11-04 18:03:18 UTC  

> You should do that either way Sai
@Captain Riker Agreed

2020-11-04 18:03:19 UTC  

Also wisconsin has more votes than registered voters! this will be taken to the supreme court

2020-11-04 18:03:26 UTC  


2020-11-04 18:03:27 UTC  

Its gonna be morso a Harris admib

2020-11-04 18:03:31 UTC  

Seriously, there's a reason the system is built the way it is. Biden wins, yeah, it isn't gonna be great, but I don't see it as the end of the world.

2020-11-04 18:03:32 UTC  

> @Captain Riker Agreed
@Snek with hat dont encourage me DX

2020-11-04 18:03:42 UTC  

Biden- Trumpazanajsna
Voters- Ight make him the POTUS

2020-11-04 18:03:42 UTC  


2020-11-04 18:03:43 UTC  

Hey just be confident you can do it

2020-11-04 18:03:46 UTC  

Is it anti-American for me to say I hate this election?