Discord ID: 251608939706187776
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hey yall
Pineapple on pizza is absolutely delicious
your choice to wear a mask. your choice to own a firearm. Say that im wrong
stay thirsty my friends
the election is next year guys, you lost track
Lindsay Graham just got re-elected
Want my opinion on PA?
Westmoreland County
***Several people are typing
Trump wins kansas
Spencer Cox just won in Utah
Spencer Cox just won in Utah yall
NC will go to Trump, Republicans have a bigger late turnout vote
AZ will vote similarly to FLA
Biden cant close southern Florida gap, major cities have almost entirely been counted
telling y'all, Republicans have a larger late turnout vote! NC will go red if its tied RIGHT NOW
John Cornyn just won the re-election for the Senate in Texas
aaaaaaaand AOC just won re-election for congress
oh ya you right
N.D S.D Neb. Kan. Okla. (same red wall from 2016)
Carlos Gimenez (Rep.) wins Florida's 26th congressional district
almost half a million people are watching crowder right now. Damn
Soooooo, I live in the capital of Cali. Whats the game plan when the riots break out tonight?
Wayne County is red. Michigan will likely be as well
Missouri called for Trump
Gov. Roy Cooper just won again in NC 😠
my teachers just announced that if trump wins, they wont require us to be in class lol
Biden supporters are dancing and enjoying themselves. Shall we let their tears flow a second time lads?
Roger Marshall Senate Kansas
Dude they call everything for biden but we been waiting for Texas and Florida for how long?
Damn, didnt even count Washington. And the NY Times is giving biased updates
Cindy Hyde-Smith, Republican, wins re-election to the U.S. Senate in Mississippi.
Trump won Ohio by 8 points last year. Hes 8 percentage points ahead this year
Biden wins New Hampshire
If Trump wins, im taking my Trump flag and running down my street bare ass naked with my air horn
Rodney Davis wins re-election in Illinois's 13th Congressional District
Trump gotta get Montana
Apache and Graham will only add up to 100k votes. Arizona will probably not go red boyos. Sorry to say
still a lot of people voting Red in California. Its surprising
So is NY Times just gonna call Biden states and ignore that Trump leads Texas by half a million votes?
So, wil Trump lose?
Troy Nehls wins 22nd Congressional District in Texas
Iowa senate race leans in favor of republicans. Really good
like I said. Trump wins, im streaking with my trump flag and blowing my airhorn
Alex Jones looks like he's constantly about to sneeze
Montana goes to Trump
Wayne County in Michigan has stopped moving. That was the dem stronghold city in 2016
take a shot everytime CNN refuses to call a state
what is nevada looking like?
bidens gonna come out and fall asleep
Minnesota called for Biden RIP
Ben Ray Luján, Democrat, wins the U.S. Senate seat in New Mexico.
Joni Ernst, Republican, wins re-election to the U.S. Senate in Iowa.
how many times do we have to explain this? VIRGINIA IS BLUE BECAUSE THEY COUNTED THE URBAN AREAS LAST
Twitter placed a warning label on Trump’s tweet that claimed without evidence that Democrats were trying to steal the election, noting that the tweet contained "misleading information"
So is it over?
Is the gap for Trump in Michigan getting narrower?
I see Wisconsin flipped to blue. Is it not gonna go back?
How are the Democrats rigging this?
Biden is ahead in VA by 400k votes
Only half of the mail in ballots have been counted for PA. What if It goes to biden?
The libtards from my state leave it and try to make other states "progressive"
And now we bring you down on the ground in Michigan. How's it looking down there Jimmy?
Thanks Jimmy. And now a word from our team in North Carolina. How are things in N.C. Expertprism?
What does the outcome look like for Republicans in N.C. Expertprism?
Alright Expertprism, thanks. And now, a word from our sponsors
269-269 would've required trump to win New Mexico. Not gonna happen lol
This shite is fishier than last night's dinner. Tf?
Mi margin was 9k, now its 8
No, China won Biden
Lets be honest. This election was not very cash money ☹️
Ayo I'm dummy thicc yall
Wisconsin and Michigan both have vertical lines where votes were injected in by the way
Dems are injecting votes that they "find" which makes the vote graphs have vertical leaps. Fishy
Biden catching up in PA guys
Biden PA LOOK it was 800k before
MI counting Traverse City right now. Democrats will get another injection of votes :/
MI closing in, 9k difference now
507, 516. 9k difference in MI
The New York Times: Because of an error in an Edison Research data feed of results, the estimate of the counted vote in Arizona displaying on maps and tables is too high. The actual estimate is that 86% of the vote has been counted.
how are there more votes than registered voters in WI?
Traverse City in MI, thats why Biden is pulling ahead :/
Traverse City is in Michigan
Biden is expected to address the American people at some point today, his campaign manager, Jennifer O'Malley Dillon, tells reporters.
Injection votes=Voter fraud
They're turnin the freakin election gay
ill need a bourbon whiskey after last night
They handed out sharpies outside of Vote Centers in Arizona.
just pour me a bourbon whiskey and let me lay down a bit
hey guys lets be optimistic. If the democrats fuck everything up, we will NEVER elect them again
Biden has now pulled ahead by 12k votes in Michigan
cant have a civil war. A civil war would make us vulnerable to other countries like China, because they would 10/10 take advantage of that
Biden up by 30k votes in MI
Michigan votes coming in from Traverse City. Dem. stronghold :/
Sharpie fraud?
Trump is starting to turnover Arizona
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