Message from @|||||Lexi|||||

Discord ID: 773635168388251668

2020-11-04 19:48:53 UTC  

I’m personally disappointed in my state of Wisconsin

2020-11-04 19:48:58 UTC  

🙏pls trump🙏

2020-11-04 19:49:00 UTC  

> I wish Biden just realizes he's not fit for the job and calls it quits
@|||||Lexi||||| oh god i wish

2020-11-04 19:49:03 UTC  

What happened with WI

2020-11-04 19:49:08 UTC  

> Trump went to 15k deficit in Michigan to now 32k...
@black cyborg Jubei just saw im crying irl 😢

2020-11-04 19:49:08 UTC  

im in new jersey but im a solid republican

2020-11-04 19:49:09 UTC  

Did Biden Just get Wisconsion?

2020-11-04 19:49:10 UTC  

You mean that you didn't expect them to cheat to the bitter end?

2020-11-04 19:49:14 UTC  

Biden will prolly separate iraqis based on their religious beliefs the same way obama did with Bahrain 9 yrs ago

2020-11-04 19:49:23 UTC  

> Did Biden Just get Wisconsion?
@Mosiyuk yup

2020-11-04 19:49:27 UTC  


2020-11-04 19:49:30 UTC  

That fucking douche

2020-11-04 19:49:34 UTC  


2020-11-04 19:49:42 UTC  

Crackhead idea - a musical about the life of Donald Trump and how the media betrayed him, resulting in the end of our country

2020-11-04 19:49:44 UTC  

Guys WI goes red after the recount

2020-11-04 19:49:44 UTC  


2020-11-04 19:49:53 UTC  

Ok is MI and AZ still getting better for Donnie?

2020-11-04 19:49:53 UTC  

I think deep down the left wants Trump to win because then they have an excuse to immediately hit the streets and steal that PS5

2020-11-04 19:49:54 UTC  

100k lead in arizona still idk guys

2020-11-04 19:49:55 UTC  


2020-11-04 19:49:57 UTC  

> Biden will prolly separate iraqis based on their religious beliefs the same way obama did with Bahrain 9 yrs ago
@JoeMama I remember that

2020-11-04 19:49:57 UTC  

wisconsin shouldnt have been called

2020-11-04 19:49:57 UTC  

wait are we winning MI?

2020-11-04 19:50:02 UTC  

Yo what if Donald Trump sent out the democrat votes in Wisconsin and Michigan in a 4D chess move to claim voter fraud and get the democrats arrested

2020-11-04 19:50:08 UTC  

> @JoeMama I remember that
@|||||Lexi||||| yup

2020-11-04 19:50:09 UTC  

We need Nevada and we win without recount

2020-11-04 19:50:12 UTC  

We just have to win one more state

2020-11-04 19:50:15 UTC  

I fucking my Wisconsin

2020-11-04 19:50:21 UTC  

This is going to last until January, nothing is over yet

2020-11-04 19:50:22 UTC  

oh snap u cheating on mi? @Birbdude

2020-11-04 19:50:25 UTC  

i have 40 electorial college maps open on all my monitors lol

2020-11-04 19:50:26 UTC  

Donald wanted peace and i love him for that

2020-11-04 19:50:29 UTC  

@MosesTheAsian I just asked to stop with all caps a few comments above your own. Read it, please!

2020-11-04 19:50:30 UTC  

> wait are we winning MI?
@BGB it’s getting close

2020-11-04 19:50:33 UTC  

> I fucking my Wisconsin
@Birbdude Me too, me too.

2020-11-04 19:50:36 UTC  

I live in Wisconsin and I'm ashamed to live here

2020-11-04 19:50:39 UTC  

ok wtf I see trump signs everywhere in michigan how are we democratic

2020-11-04 19:50:40 UTC  

Wtf is Georgia doing?

2020-11-04 19:50:44 UTC  

I live in Wisconsin

2020-11-04 19:50:54 UTC  

I have 6 maps open, all with different biases... doesn't look good

2020-11-04 19:50:56 UTC  

wait what the gap is geogia is closing????????