
Discord ID: 363346204538699788

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someone told me its trump's fault 200k people died how do i respond

i said theyre all in democrat state

guys why do we pay so much for the military

im arguing with a friend

i said its necessary to have a sense of security in our nation

and they said why not reallocate to medicare for all

yeah thats what i said

you aint black

or the indian american thing

@Suspected Kyle that was a quote of someone else from 1985

that doesnt make him racist like

u can use other stuff

someone posted this

in my insta feed

do u guys think climate change is real and caused by humans

how do i defend trumps corona response lmao

@Izzy Say Whaat!? i think when he banned trans people from the military

yeah he did unfortunately oof

why do so many folks think conservatives r dumb

crowder gets fed up when he starts losing

like he was debating someone once and the kid was literally winning

and he kept pulling the mic to prevent him from speaking

democrats: *we hate old fashioned white men and cops, fuck cops! ACAB!!*
also democrats: *elects an old white man and a cop for the presidency*

do u guys support legal immigration

im a legal immigrant and a republican <:AmericanFlag:720120797837918288>

I'm a minor but my parents are from India

Came here when I was 2

why do leftists keep saying trump is a white supremacist

hes condemned them so many times

how do i destroy libs in debate ugh

theyre so full of themselves

impossible to have ratiional discussion

barrett confirmed BOIS lets goo

@Scarface6305 out of pure curiosity why do u have the confederate flag as ur pfp?

me neither but i get why people use it i just think that they were traitors to the union

red is better

and their slaves

oh yeah they were literally democrats lmao

america is america

i mean well, if ur honoring the troops, do you consider them american troops or confederate troops?

well then yeah wouldnt u use the american flag then

i get what ur saying

no as i said i was just curious

@JudgeAzule bruh if they pack the court we're gonna be screwed

who would u support in a republican 2020 bid

what do u guys think about nikki haley

barrett got sworn in

bruh booker asked her if she was a white supremacist

like bruh

she has a black child

bruh guys is the republican party fucked in the future

wait guys seriously the republican party is fucked in the future

look at this

yeah ik but nobody looked

ok i deleted the other one

do u guys believe in climate change

we're gonna have civil war bois get ready

bruh trump is losing florida OMFG

theres only the panhandle left

and he has a 0.6% disadvantage and 80% of the vote is in

Biden won ohio bruh

Texas wont go blue

bruh florida is the whole game if trump loses florida the whole thing is done

he cant lose florida

@Ru55ky cuz trump districts mostly reported

with 18% of the vote

whats happening with lindsey graham?

TRUMP is winning florida (0.7% lead with 85% reporting)

georgia wont go blue and neither will texas, they have barely reported u cant say anything lmao


@ASCENDING ALLIGATOR TRIANGLE i mean he banned them from the military

@Xioz oh i didnt know that thanks

> is texas blue now cause they're counting mail in ballots first?
<@!765185737003106325> yes, and he only has a 6% lead with 20% in

BTW if we go to civil war republicans will win cuz we got the military and the guns


they didnt project it yet bruh

VA predicted biden win by fox news

I officially predict Trump to win Florida.

Pennsylvania is where the meat is guys

> We're all Trump here yeah?
@Deleted User im libertarian but yes trump supporter

TRUMP has a 1.5% lead in FLORIDA with 86% REPORTING

biden is ahead in TEXAS!!?!?!?! HOW!?!?


yeah mail in comes first and its 56%, so expect the same, trump will win texas

bruh whats going on in pennsylvania

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