Message from @Donsta

Discord ID: 773704584001617960

2020-11-05 00:24:32 UTC  


2020-11-05 00:24:34 UTC  

Here is a scary thought.
Say Trump does win.
Who we going to have 2024?

2020-11-05 00:24:36 UTC  

Guys, when will they start counting arizona again?

2020-11-05 00:24:45 UTC  

Let's start burning cities down!!!

2020-11-05 00:24:49 UTC  

> Here is a scary thought.
> Say Trump does win.
> Who we going to have 2024?
@Sengorn Leopardae ivanka

2020-11-05 00:24:52 UTC  

> whos ready to fight for their rights if biden wins
@Black Squadron I would but I'm a minor

2020-11-05 00:24:53 UTC  

impeachment for joe Biden? could that happen in the next 4 years

2020-11-05 00:24:59 UTC  

@Sengorn Leopardae Trump can run for a 3rd term

2020-11-05 00:25:01 UTC  

@Black Squadron I will approve while fleeing to a safe country so that they do not come for me and my people again

2020-11-05 00:25:05 UTC  

> Guys, when will they start counting arizona again?
@John.M | Frosty 7pm local time is when Arizona starts to release results

2020-11-05 00:25:11 UTC  

> I would but I'm a minor
@AJT0420 so? Xd

2020-11-05 00:25:16 UTC  

Plus my parents are liberals and they'd fucking kill me

2020-11-05 00:25:16 UTC  
2020-11-05 00:25:17 UTC  

264 to 214........and half of biden's voters have been dead for a few years

2020-11-05 00:25:20 UTC  

> @Sengorn Leopardae ivanka
@Black Squadron maybe pence.

2020-11-05 00:25:21 UTC  

> I'm just surprised this many idiots voted for Biden. I mean wtf? Are there any words beyond stupid at this point?
@Kolgait They didn't vote "for" Biden, they just hate Trump for no reason. The guy wants to make America the greatest country and they hate this country apparently

2020-11-05 00:25:23 UTC  

No way Michigan and Wisconsin voted blue. Also, there's no way Wisconsin had 86% of registered voters turnout to vote, that'd be record breaking by a huge huge margin.

2020-11-05 00:25:25 UTC  

> @Black Squadron I would but I'm a minor
@AJT0420 im 13 i do not care i will do what i have to for my and americans rights

2020-11-05 00:25:26 UTC  

This election will go down as one of the dirtiest and divide elections!

2020-11-05 00:25:36 UTC  

I'd Vote Ted Cruz given the oppertunity

2020-11-05 00:25:47 UTC  

We will win Nevada!

2020-11-05 00:25:56 UTC  

To be fair

2020-11-05 00:25:58 UTC  

ONe of?.... Not it'll be **THE** dirtiest election in our history

2020-11-05 00:25:58 UTC  

Here that's what it should've been

2020-11-05 00:26:05 UTC  

2024 election republican primarys tucker carlson vs ben shapiro?

2020-11-05 00:26:15 UTC  

What happened to Arizona is there a recount ?

2020-11-05 00:26:20 UTC  

> @AJT0420 im 13 i do not care i will do what i have to for my and americans rights
@Black Squadron
Exactly the same situation for me. I am ready to do whatever it takes for freedom

2020-11-05 00:26:20 UTC  


2020-11-05 00:26:31 UTC  

@Vikdudu23 they haven't counted same day votes yet

2020-11-05 00:26:32 UTC  

Alex Jones 2024

2020-11-05 00:26:35 UTC  

Don’t be worried wall TRUMP IS winning this for the patriots of our country. He is taking over the evil. That can ruin this world. God is on our side. He will not let it happen.

2020-11-05 00:26:40 UTC  

There isn't a recount, but there's still a shit ton of votes needing to be counted in

2020-11-05 00:26:45 UTC  

@Kolgait that what it would have looked like if Corona never happened

2020-11-05 00:26:48 UTC  


2020-11-05 00:26:49 UTC  

What if it's the same thing as bring the soldiers home from the reconstruction period but for this time it's defund the police

2020-11-05 00:26:54 UTC  

> Alex Jones 2024
@Space_Lettuce_OG he’s a shill for the deepstate. Hell nah

2020-11-05 00:27:02 UTC
Even brain-dead democrats want nevada to hurry up

2020-11-05 00:27:07 UTC  

Alright sounds like fraud

2020-11-05 00:27:22 UTC  


<:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286> Yes

No (but yes) <:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286>

2020-11-05 00:27:25 UTC  

Alex Jones, a shill for the Deep State?... Never heard that one before.