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Uncle Iroh

Biden or Trump

Bidens...ot didn't

Milwaukee was supposed to report at 1am and didn't. When they finally did B made up a 106k defi8. Obvious fraud

So whats going on

Something is off... I can feel it

What do you mean still e
Win... something is definitely off

Waiting for them to say he won Georgia hour 16

I know 5 people in Nevada who voted by mail

But wait they voted for trump

Who thinks Trump will take nevada

Let's start burning cities down!!!

I will buy a maga hat if Trump wins

Wait did nevads go red?

I thought I just read that someone said nevada went red

Wonder what Tyler is thinking 🤔

Does return to normal mean go back to war?

All those people i know in Nevada did vote by mail for trump

Theres always fraud :)

How Trump doesn't just claim victory <:ZedBiden:769281795228958740>

Let's not doubt


🇫 🇷 🇦 🇺 🇩


600k votes left to be counted in Arizona or sum like that

@Abby! isn't that psycho girl

Maybe theirs no fraud and Trump is losing badly

I'm glad to see have commen sense

@XxKoltonmannzxX. they know Trump may take it or they're tapping in
To their emergency stash of dem votes

I hope Trump takes nevada

I voted in a very important state everyone is talking about

Did... we ... just... lose?


React <:9360_pixel_yes:726877001138569286> or you want Joe biden to win 🔫

Are.. we gonna...... lose?

Are they gonna do a recount?

Is there gonna be a recount?

Is there gonna be a recount?

Will there be a recount guys?

Is that a yes

Will there be a recount



I dont like my govenor


Things are getting interesting


Nancy on the run

This is protesting I can get behind

People; literally breaking into capitol hill
This server; Trump V Biden rap battle


I wasn’t expecting this bit of a protest

1876 election question mark



*I would like to remind all of you this is only day 6 of 2021*

Blm protest are ok so...



This image describes whats going on

May or may not have gotten into capitol hill

2021 btw

Im laughing


Mods, attack!!


Day 6 of 2021

They casually vibin in the speaker of the house’s office

Trump supporters are the new senators I guess.... I don’t make the rules I just follow them

Civil war 2 is a go

We the people... are now in capitol hill

Police are quicker to act on these riots than the other ones, not justifying it just sayin

America is burning

They shot a women? Thats sexist


Last time Tyler zed talked in general was on december 3rd

AOC 2024

Thats in area 51

Mute general for a bit

There was no fraud

Capitol hill seeing the giant health approaching

“If an unarmed man with a knife is coming at you shoot him in the leg, not the heart”

Where is tyler zed in all this

To those who like this protest, realize how since this is happening, they’re not trying to contest the election and are hiding rn.

Whats been happening with capitol hill

Peaceful protest

Unpeaceful protest

First invasion since 1812

They only report stuff when it makes trump look bad, but now that hes going away cnn may go under

I heard their parent company id looking to sell then

He should try to get those people out of there if he wants to run in 2024, it will look bad for him

I wonder how people in a 100 years will remember this

Like in 1676

Bacons rebellion

By then communism has taken over

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